New Life

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2 years later:

"Mia stop drinkingggg!" Sarang tried to take the glass from the drunk girl but she was not willing to give it to her.

"NooOooOoooOoo StAy aWAy fRom mE aNd mY gLaSs!" She tried to push her away but Sarang was persistent to protect her.

"You drank too much today!" She complained.

"I oNlY pAsS mY DrIvER's LiSeNce OnCe! I hAvE tO cElEbrAte" She said and drank her shot with eyes hell closed. "AgH It'S gOod!"

"Give me that..." She grabbed the glass when the girl was completely absent minded. "Aish Where is he???" She asked agitated. She regretted going out to celebrate with her best friend but how could she know she will get drunk like that.

"WHeRe iS WhO?" She pointed at her friend quite agressively. She secreetely grabbed another glassed that happened to be filled and hid it behind the table.

"WhAt iS tHaT?" She pointed at a random direction and Sarang fell to this ridiculous trap. She quickly consumed the bittersweet liquid.

"Oh You can't be serious!" Sarang grabbed the glass from her hands and placed it on the wooden seat next to her.

"YoU aRe aCtIng WeIrd, wAiT, aRe YoU drUnK???" She pointed ay her in shock. Sarang rolled her eyes but her mood got broght as soon as she heard the bell of the wrond. A tall man entererd the pub.

His eyes locked with the drunk girl's and she smiled.

"You are here?" Sarang noticed and the man approached the table. The girl was so happy to see him, so as she was drank she decided to push him down next to her and fall in his embrace.

"Taehyung I am so happy to see you!" She said and Sarang rolled her eyes. "I am not cause I called him an hour ago and he is late!!!"

"Why didn't you call her brother? Or her boyfriend! Did you know that he is searching for her everywhere? He called me 13 times!" Taehyung annoumced. "I bought a new phone So I don't have his number, neither Jungkook's!"

"But you have mine?"

The girl guiltily looked down. "Wait, You know my phone number by heart?"  He gasped in the realization. That fact could only make him blush.

"W-What? No!"

"YoU sHoUlD aLL pAy aTTentIon tO mE! CaNt yoU seE tHaT I aM DrUnk?" Mia complained from Tae's hug and the two sober people giggled at how adorable she was.

"Let's go home Mia! Someone is waiting for you!" He winked and tried to get her up. "Nah... I will stay for a little longer...!" She answerer and Mia approached Taehyung's ear.

"TaE I tHiNk sArAnG iS dRunK!" She whispered and Taehyung giggled. "Let's go!!!!" Hs grabbed her hand and led her closer to the door. He went out without her, thinking she followed him but instead her head knocked on the glass of the sliding door. She closed her eyes while her forehead was touching it and her hand slightly knocked on it.

"K-KnOcK, kNoCk OpEn Up pLeaSe!" Taehyung stared at her and rolled his eyes. He went in for the last time and grabbed her wrist to take her out.

"ItS yoU! I aM so gLad ThAt I aM in yOuR hOuSe!!!" She said.and Taehyumg grabbed her hand really tight in case she might slips off and abandones him.

"We are in the sidewalks but okay..."

"WoW wHat'S this???" She said and started chasing down a child just to play with his toy. The little boy of course started running in the thought she might be a serial killer and hid behind his dad.

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