Sudden Outburst

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Mia was staring at her teacher with confidence

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Mia was staring at her teacher with confidence. That actually was the major factor he fell the need to get up.

"Okay... What do you need?" He questioned still unable to comprehend the perplexed meaning of her words. That didn't impede her from elaborating though.

Her hands grabbed her bag. She unzipped it to take off the poster her brother granted her and completely unfolded it in front of his eye sight. His eyes hunted for the letters, reading each one, creating sentences.

"Um Okay... And how does that concern me?" He asked staring deeply into Mia's eyes.

"Mr. Min I wanna compete in this contest..." She stared at her shoes and then back at his eyes. She was so sure he was not gonna think about it. He would just say no and leave.

"Good Luck then..." He said and tried to pass by her. She turned around and spoke to capture his attention.

"I am not done Mr. Min..." She almost whispered afraid to be heard. The man slowly turns around to notice the girl. "Um... I am sorry... So what did you want?" He asked not really caring.

"Mr. Min I really need your help!" The girl almost pleaded for him to say yes although he didn't have a clue of what she was talking about.

"How can I help?" He asked not finding a way to even help her a bit. Her hands were behind her back, trying to speak but something was stuck in her throat.

"I have 2 years to play the piano and I thought that maybe..." She trailed down of her current situation but the teacher interrupted her.

"I don't think I can help you with this... Therefore, I am really busy and I can't find time..." He didn't even care about her circumstances and took a step back.

"Mr. Min please... I need the money... You could just tutor me for a while..." The girl almost pleaded but the teacher was not easy to convince.

It was impossible!

"I am sorry Mia... I can't help you... And I really have to leave!" He answered and just walked out of the classroom holding his briefcase.

Mia tried to stop her tears from releasing but still her heart was aching because of the image inside her mind of her brother crying his eyes out.

She looked at the poster in her right hand and just creased the paper into a paper ball and was ready to thow it away into the bin.

Something inside of her stopped her after a while. She rethought of everything and put it inside her bag without overanalyzing the situation. She already have had enough.

She just stormed out of the classroom running down the hallway.

Anger, pain, sadness - so intertwined that perhaps their names ought to be tweaked to reflect the true origins of those emotions.

Not paying attention to her surrounding she stumbled on the floor and a quick move of someone else stopped her for falling.

Her eyes lifted up only to get locked with someone familiar.

"Mia?" He said and Mia recognised the man from the auditorium. "H-hi I am sorry!" She distanced herself and gained some personal space.

"What can I say? It's our destiny to bump at each other everytime!" Taehyung giggled but Mia didn't even smile at his remark.

"Yes I guess... I-I need to leave... See you around Taehyung..." She dashed away leaving the man perplexed staring at her back.

"W-wait!" He shouted but the girl was already out of the building...


Mia returned back at her house at 9... Jungkook was concerned about her condition and called her a thousand times but she was always decling his phonecalls.

She didn't wanna let him know she was running around town for a tutor that would teach her with the lowest prize possible.

The door fell open when the slim girl entered. The lights were turned off but as soon as her brother spotted the door moving he turned them on.

"Are you crazy?" He hisses walking down the narrow stairway.

"What?" She asked obviously frazzled of the exhausting day. She wipped her forehead full of sweat.

"Where were you?" He walks towards the girl in an intimidating pace. Mia gulped trying to come up with a scenario to cover up for her immature actings.

"I was out with a friend! What happened? Are you okay?" She scratched the back of her neck awkwardly.

"And why weren't you picking up? You didn't even inform me you are not gonna come back after school!" The man said obnoxiously.

"I am sorry I totally forgot and my phone ran out of battery." She found another excuse and bit her lips in her attempt not to sound suspicious.

"Jeez... I almost died Y/n! You are unbelievable..." He hisses with a loud voice towards the girl.

"I can't undrestand your sudden outburst... I didn't even do something wrong... I am 19 years old...!" She announces crossing her arms together.

This day seemed endless for her actually trying to find a tutor and failed at her every bargain. She was ready to explode and Jungkook didn't help at all.

"Thats it Y/n... Go to your room right now! I am done with you for today..."

"You are not my father..." She hissed agressively and Jungkook teared up. "Our father is no longer here so you should listen to your older brother... Go. To. Your. Room!" He aggressively retorts and the girl lets some tears stream down her face.

She did not give him any satisfaction of talking back and ran upstairs to her room. She harshly slammed the door hard and leaved Jungkook behind of her.


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