Books, Pens and A stampler

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"Excuse me?"

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"Excuse me?"

She held her breath afraid to make a sound at first. Slowly she titles around and her eyes meet his from the distance.

"Y-Yes Mr. Min?" She stuttured highly petrified but always had a way to camouflage it behind a generous smile. The teacher scanned her at first and then cleared his throat.

"What's your name?" He questioned from his stool. The girl was not willing to comprehend that Mr. Min was actually talking to her.

"Mia..." She answers not sure if it's the correct answer.

"Your surname!" He points out leading Mia to uncontrollably blush. Her cheeks flashed a hot red actually burning up her flesh.

"J-Jeon..." She announces with a wobbly voice. Her agony was eating her up alive in the combination of all these questions.

Why does her teacher finally pay attention to her? It was always such a hard accomplishment and she had that now? Without even trying.

"I see... Miss Jeon please do me a favor..." He asked with a husky voice leading Mia's chin nod twice actually fullfilling every favor her teacher would ask.

"Yes Mr. Min?" Her heavenly voice gave the green light to Yoongi to ask about what he was thinking. He shifted some random glances all across the auditorium and then his slender eyes fixated at the slim girl.

"I forgot a partiture in the first drawer of my desk in my office... Can you bring it to me?" He casually trails down expecting the girl to act according to his sayings.

"O-of course Mr. Min. I will..." The girl left her bag onto her seat and fled out of the classroom, exposing herself towards the massive hallways. She already knew were Mr. Min's office was so it took her about a quarter of a minute.

Her hand cautiously gripped the silver handle and gently pushed it downwards.

She met a dark office where the indy lights were invading the place through the cracks. She didn't lose time to find the switch. She just intruded in with the main goal to find what Mr. Min asked. The grey desk was in the middle of the office, when piles of books and papers were on top of it.

Her hands travelled through the books and the papers until he remembered his gentle voice. He said the partiture was in the top drawer.

She wandered about the desk and finally found the place Yoongi was talking about. Without hesitation she opened the drawer and observed the things inside.

Books as always, some pens and stamplers... Envelopes black and grey... It was not a surprise.

But on top of every object inside this drawer there was a big paper with notes.

That's what he is asking for!

Mia held the paper in her grasp and walked out of the mysterious office closing the door behind her. She runs down the same hallways, empty now as everyone probably went to their next lesson.

She found the doors of the auditorium ajar so she invaded. Mr. Min was too invested on the piano but as soon as he heard footsteps, discreetly flinching, he decides to turn around.

The girl was running down the aisle while her skirt was getting blown back because of the wind. He didn't even get up to occupy his belongings but instead waited for the girl to get on the stage and stand right next to him.

"You found it?" He asked when the girl made her way close to him.  Her palms were getting sweaty probably wetting the paper. "Y-yes..." She said hiding the paper behind her back awkwardly. "Thanks... Can you maybe... Give it to me now?" He was peeking trying to look behind her back.

Right! She had to give him something!

Shyly her hands make their way to the front holding the papers with some spills of cold sweat. Yoongi glares at it first and as he notices his hands carefully seize for it.

"Thank you..." He ignores the fact it was wet at some certain corners and locates it to his front so he could study the notes. He realizes that the girl is still there staring at him without even breathing properly.

"Um Thank you... I don't need something else..." He assures her and the girl awkwardly nods.

"O-oh then... I should leave..."

"No... wait a minute..." He said immobilizing her with just the baritone of his smooth voice. "Yes?" She immediatly asks staring at his eyes more eager than ever.

"What's your name again?" He asks as the girl found it impossible to swollow her saliva. "J-Jeon..." She blurred out feeling embarrased for an uncertain reason.

"No... I meant... Your name this time!" He asked waiting for her lips to form sentences.

"I- I am Mia!" She found the strength to smile but it was fake. Mr. Min could always make her smile whole-heartedly when he was not aware he was having this type of impact to her.

But this time it was awkward.

"Were you always in my class?" He scanned her like he was trying to regain a memory from the corner of his brain. The girl didn't got offended but instead she used it as a reason to smile again.

"Yes... 2 Years now...!" She retorts and the teacher nods.

"Oh... Okay...Anyway, Thank you Mia!" He said and Mia gulped knowing that she will practically spy on him when school is over just to get to hear his knew symphonies and arrangements.

"H-Have a nice day Mr. Min." She bowed at her teacher and walked her way out but her pupils were expanding when he saw the man's back and his fingers creating art.

A/n: Hello guys... I decided to write some more with this story cause I really love Yoongi and he is hurting me everyday because of his beauty. Anyway, Thanks for reading my small chapter haha.

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