00 - the New Place

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Wiping the beads of sweat from your forehead, you finished moving the last box.

It was the last of many and you could feel your muscles protesting throughout your body, begging you to sit down. Not only were the stairs to your new apartment quite extensive, they were also steep. That wasn't exactly ideal when it came to moving a heck ton of stuff, especially as there was no lift.

"Right, onwards and upwards."

Pulling your phone from the back pocket of your jeans, you leaned up against the counter. There wasn't much to do in the time before one of your friends were meant to be coming over. You scrolled through all the social media apps you had, sometimes stopping to look at a picture or read a caption out of interest. In your opinion, the pictures which showcased people's amazing array of books upon bookshelves, old or modern, were the best.

It was an understatement to say you liked books, as they happened to be the thing taking up a large portion of your boxes.

You could hear the subtle hum of cars and other modes of transport outside your window as they zoomed on by. You could also hear people walking past as they went about their day, sometimes subtle chatter. That was probably the most interesting thing about the apartment and exactly why you chose it; how it had a view right over the bustling street you now lived on.

People watching was fun and you enjoyed the business from afar.

Tapping your foot against the ground absentmindedly, you smiled down at your phone as you read the texts from your father. He was sad you had finally moved out of the family home, but he was relieved that you found somewhere nice to live. You had decided it was a good idea, now that you were a bit older, to get your own place.

Although, you never expected  to buy somewhere in the city. Living costs and property rent prices were high, but it was all worth it for the sake of new experience. You just needed to preserve what money you had and possibly look for a job sooner or later before said money ran dry.

But at long last, you were pulled from the screen of your phone as you heard the ring of your doorbell.

You lit up upon hearing it, quickly yelling that you were coming. Your slippers padded across the oak flooring, making shuffling sounds as you got to the door on the other side of the living area. There were quite a few latches, locks and chains you had to undo before opening it up; revealing your smiling friend.


"Nami, hey."

You were sent back a couple of steps as your friend barrelled into you. She wrapped her arms around you and buried her face into your neck, giving you the ability to smell the rose shampoo in her tangerine-coloured hair.

"I'm so glad to see you!"

Nami pulled away, holding you at arms length by the shoulders with a big smile on her face. You reciprocated her look, giggling a bit when you closed the door for her as she stepped further into your new place.

"Yeah, it's been forever."

Taking a seat on one of your sofas, Nami made herself at home. You wandered over to the new kettle which had been set up in your kitchen, flicking it on before rummaging around in a box labelled 'mugs'. Honestly, if it weren't for the label, you would probably be digging up books.

"Sooooo, how're you finding the new place?"

She glanced around your new apartment, twirling her long hair around and around between her fingers absentmindedly. The kettle began to bubble as you put two teabags into the mugs, setting sugar aside in a small pot for either of you to use going forward.

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