15 - One Step Further

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"Oh, hey. He isn't in right now."

Drake open the door for you as you wound up outside of their apartment. He looked like he had just rolled out of bed as well. Messy hair, joggers with no shirt; that large "X" tattoo he had across his chest on full display. You would never know the real meaning of that one. Maybe he just liked the Roman numeral of his surname a lot. Maybe it was because of his curious chin scar...

"It's like you knew exactly what I was coming here for."

You giggled loudly, making the man wince ever so slightly in his half-asleep state.

But despite that Drake opened the door, letting you in. The man trudged in behind you, watching as you flopped on the sofa. At this point, what was Hawkins' might as well have been yours - the apartment included.

He scoffed and launched himself into the chair opposite, sinking down with a small smile on his face as he continued the conversation.

"What else do you come here for, let's be real."

Drumming your fingers along the sofa's arm, you swung your legs up to your chest and hummed. Then you gave a grin to Drake who, in turn, raised an eyebrow.

"To see my friend, of course!"

Scoffing once again, Drake waved a hand at you before pushing himself up to a stand. He was off to go and get drinks, you knew the drill. When Hawkins wasn't around, you and the reptile-loving redhead played video games and talked about nothing in particular while drinking as much as you could fit in.

"So you come here to sit on your boyfriend's dick and take his best friend? Damn."

You almost choked on your own spit, swivelling around where you sat to catch the last of Drake as he shuffled to the kitchen with a small chuckle. Your face went as red as tomato, brighter than a rose.

Though, the man wasn't technically wrong.

"So when is he coming back?"

"You really can't wait?"

Practically snatching the can of beer from Drake's hands in embarrassment, you settled back on the sofa. He went towards the television to switch it on, starting up his PlayStation so that the two of you could go on it.

"How about I ask that to you if you ever get in a relationship?"

It was Drake's turn to shoot you an irritated look, but you both laughed it off. He reached into the tv stand's draw and pulled out a disk box. As usual, it was FIFA 19; he practically bashed it even when the newer versions had come out. You weren't much of a football person yourself, but you enjoyed it enough. However, still in your mind, nothing beat reading books.

The two of you played for what felt like hours on end. At the beginning when you had arrived, Drake looked like he had just woken up when it was actually around midday. The sun was growing closer towards the line of the horizon and the room was darkening bit by bit. You both could feel the eye strain and were seriously tired.

"I'm actually meant to be going out in a bit."

Drake looked down at his phone and then back at the tv, almost like he was debating his options. You were stretched out on the sofa, putting aside the controller. Hawkins would be getting back from work anytime now.

"Are you sure this isn't an excuse to escape me and Hawkins?"

You laughed, rolling on your back on the sofa and closing your eyes. The redhead pushed himself up to a stand, stretching his arms above his head as he dragged himself towards the hallway's door.

Reading Between The Lines | Basil Hawkins x Reader Where stories live. Discover now