10 - His House

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Happy birthday, Basil Hawkins! <3 (09.09.2021)

After bundling Faust into your arms and locking your door, you headed straight for your car. It had been a while since you used the car, usually getting around just by walking as work and other places weren't too far away.

As for Faust, you didn't want to have to leave him alone for extended periods of time after what he had been through. You just hoped that neither Hawkins nor his roommate minded a cat being around. Sure, Faust's big issue was that he shed quite a bit, but you could take care of that.

Talking of your furry friend and his antics, Franky had finished up with your window.

It was safe to say that you no longer had a draught and could almost swear the room felt warmer than before it happened. You had thanked him an ungodly amount of times and paid him even when Robin had said not to. Though, he did get his own payment in the meantime in the form of cola that had been in your fridge. You didn't mind one bit.

Faust was okay on the ride.

He was no dog, so the boot wouldn't work. You tried to put him on the back seats but that didn't work either as he ended up crawling through to the passenger seat. There was even one point where you had lifted a hand to flick on the indicators and he had taken it as the opportunity to slide under your hand and settle on your lap.
Typical of the little man and his snuggling tendencies.

The address Hawkins sent to you wasn't too far from the park. You couldn't say that you knew the area, but you could guess it was nicer than yours. By how much so, you didn't yet know. However, as shops and regular flats turned into Victorian houses separated into either semi-detached houses or apartments, you could say he lived in a much nicer area.

You had never seen his car before. When you had pulled up to where his driveway was, there were about four different cars. The Victorian house in front of you was split into flats, so you assumed one of the vehicles was his. That was if he did drive, but you could say he did considering he literally drove you home that time you were so drunk you couldn't see two inches in front of yourself.

Memories, am I right?

"Right, apartment three..."

The void of fluff was snuggled in your arms as you padded up to the front door, bag over your shoulder. Considering that Faust has been an unshakable bundle of energy the early morning of the previous day, he had calmed down tremendously. You were proud of him, really.

The main entrance to the Victorian house-turned apartments was easy to get through. You had been given a code to access the main hallway, stepping inside. Faust meowed, snuggling further into you when the warmth of the hallway surrounded him. You looked for the right door, noticing the Hawkins' flat was up the stairs that were in the middle of the hallway.

When you had gotten to the correct door that displayed the number three on a small, metal plate, you fumbled about to get your cat into a position - which would let you knock.

You raised your knuckles up to the door, knocking intently.

There was no sound from the other side, nothing you could hear, at least. Though you ended up hearing someone shuffled towards it, the door cracking open.


"Oh, hey."

Standing on the other side of the door was Drake.

The poor man looked like he had just woken up despite it being early evening, loose, grey joggers and a white t-shirt hanging from his built frame. Like the first time you had met him, his incredible height was still intimidating. Actually, you reckoned he overtook Franky ever so slightly on the height side of things.

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