01 - Life of the Party

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As you pulled closer to the venue's address sent by Nami, you groaned loudly.

Not only was the place massive and most definitely packed, there were hardly any parking spaces. Cars of all types were crammed on the driveway; so much so you were more than sure the ones at the back of the house wouldn't even be able to leave until the front lot cleared out. On top of that, people were going to be drinking and already were. You just hoped you didn't have to get involved with any of those who might happen to think that going for a drunken spin in their car was a grand idea.

"(Y/n), you made it!"

Car chirping as it locked, you were greeted by an ecstatic Nami. You gave her her a sheepish smile, beginning to walk in her direction after pulling your little bag over your shoulder.

"Sure did."

Unlike before where she was wearing something more casual, she was now dressed to the nines. You always made a mistake of thinking you had dressed excessively until you saw Nami. She looked good in just about anything and everything seemed to suit her perfectly, more so then anyone else you'd seen. This time, it was a little red dress where the neck was pulled up in a halter style; the garment's hem scandalously high up her thigh. You wouldn't dare wear something like that, but Nami always had that confidence.

"This place is huge."

You wouldn't lie, you were in awe.

The house was bigger than most you had ever seen in your life, coloured lights blearing from inside where the party was roaring. The front garden was neat and you felt incredibly sorry for whoever's house this was because the drunkards, who were already stumbling out of the front door, were going to most definitely mess it up.

"Yeah, it really is, huh? It's Perona's house, her dad is away on business right now so she has free reign. But anyway,"

The both of you made it to the door.

It was closed over, but you could already hear the violent thump of music even without being inside. Nami had a smile on her face, she also looked like she had already had some drinks herself as there was a light dusting of pink on her cheeks. She gave you a playful wink, giggling lightly to herself.

"Go wild!"

As she opened the threshold, the volume increased tenfold.

There were more people in the property than you had ever seen in one place in your entire life. Most were either trying to talk over the booming music or dancing like nothing stopped them, some even just trying to stabilise themselves or friends after drinking their asses off. Not one person in sight didn't have a drink in their hands, you were more than sure you would be the anomaly.


You winced at Nami's deafening shout, one of her hands cupped around her mouth while the other waved vigorously. A group of people off to one side caught her eye, some of them waving back or smiling kindly in her direction.

You could already tell you were going to be socially drained by the time that this whole shenanigan ended, judging by how many people this girl really knew. There was no surprise there, she had always been the social butterfly to your introverted worm.


Grabbing you by the arm, Nami began to drag you off in the direction of the group who you could only assume were her friends. You just about composed yourself and straightened out the sleeve of your dress when one of the men stepped forward, a bright grin on his face.

"(Y/n), right?"

Although you could tell that he was around your age, the man looked quite young. He had a mop of black hair on his head and his grin seemed to be brighter than stars. Though you did think it was a little odd that he had a straw hat held by a string around his neck like a farmer, you gave him a smile back. God, his expression was contagious.

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