07 - a Walk in the Park

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"Are you sure you don't want me to drop you back?"

Usopp caught your eye in the rearview, eyebrow cocked upwards as he double checked your request.

"Thank you, but it's okay."

He nodded at your polite decline, putting his eyes back on the road.

Hawkins wanted to meet up with you.

It was funny timing, really. Especially after having spoken about him with Nami and Robin in that bookshop. Nami had asked you if you wanted to go back to Usopp's with the rest of them but as per the blonde's request, you were going to go to the park. You wouldn't dream of shooting him down. Not in a million years.

"Well I will see you guys sooner rather than later,"

You smiled, turning to Robin and looking past Luffy at her smiling face.

"I'll see you at work."

She nodded, the boy between you grinned.

The truck went through the streets back towards where you lived. Your shopping trip had brought you closer to the city centre, so it was a good ten minutes back to your area. The place where Hawkins had asked you to meet him was one of the local parks, one that you had previously thought to check out yourself. You hadn't actually been yet, but you had heard that it was one of the more beautiful ones in the city. If not the most.

Just as you turned the corner, you came to the large, wrought-iron gates of the park.

Although you were hoping Hawkins wasn't there yet so Nami didn't go all mental on you about your supposed "thing", you were out of luck. He was leaning up against the wall wearing that same loose dress shirt under a different trench coat, this time in black.

A handsome sight, really.

"Oh I see."

Nami turned in her seat, wiggling her eyebrow as you tore your eyes from the waiting blonde. You couldn't help but feel an embarrassed heat rise in your cheeks, she really wouldn't just let up.

But thankfully, no one else mentioned anything, letting you quickly unbuckle and hop out of the back.

Thank God.

You didn't want to be embarrassed in front of the guy.

"See you later, (y/n)!"

Leaning out of the window she rolled down, Nami cupped a hand around her mouth for only you to hear. You felt clammy as she smirked teasingly, singing out her words.

"Tell me all about it later~"

You really hoped the blonde didn't hear that one as you watched as the truck pulled away to go to Usopp's house. Everything was quiet when they left, hardly any cars on the road.

Then, it was time to face the man himself.

You turned with a nervous smile, catching his eye as he gave you a small wave.


Fiddling with the strap of your tote bag that was holding all of your new books, you approached him. He leaned up from the wall, meeting you half way. Sometimes you forgot how tall he was, having to crane your neck slightly to give him a smile.


"So, you said you had a free afternoon?"

The two of you began walking through the park, side by side. Because of the time of year, there were the last of the cherry blossom trees' bloom lining the walkway. The path was of cobbles, one side flatter than the other for any cyclists who might be coming along. You could hear the call of the afternoon birds and the sound of your footsteps hitting the cobbles.

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