02 - Not-So Taxi Service

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His hand was coming alarmingly close to the hem of your dress.

You could feel each touch as he ran his fingers down the side of your thankfully clothed body, not so sure you could stop him. This man was big, muscular and looked like he has had his fair share of fights. You, however, didn't have a fighting bone in your body.


That nasty feeling of clamminess and cold sweat, caused by the stress of the situation, slicked the palms of your hands. They clenched and unclenched subconsciously, but began to tighten up when the redhead's alcoholic breath bounced off your cheeks.


You really began to panic when his hand touched the skin of your thigh.

There might've been a chance you could've thrown him off in his drunken state; that was if you weren't in one yourself. Your eyes could barely see an inch in front of you at this point, and waves of nausea washed over you in pulses.

His other hand was still on your hip, though you could feel it sliding further around your back. He was pulling you into his chest, his bare muscles coming closer and closer as your hands made contact with his skin. You tried to push away, tried not to let the bullets of sweat bolt down your face in trepidation. It was all coming together, this was a situation you couldn't get out of.

So much for not drinking, so much for being able to leave the party whenever you wanted. There really was no miracle to save you now. Not when you were stuck with someone as strong as this guy...


Without warning, you were pulled backwards by your upper arm. The redhead's, who you could only assume was called Kid, hands slid from around your body as your back met another hard chest. You let out a deep breath which you must've been subconsciously holding in, closing your eyes to let your heart rate go back to normal. Albeit, it was hard when you were running on a buzz of alcohol and fear.

"Whatdya do that for?"

Kid was angry, you could tell.

He had to squint his eyes to see in front of him, hands balling into fists. But there was no answer. You were simply taken by the upper arm and pulled further from the situation, leaving the hothead stewing in his own angry defeat. You were left to blink in surprise, wondering what on earth had just happened.

"Hey, uh?"

Tearing your eyes from Kid as he continued to stare you down, you looked around and up at your unknown saviour.

It was hard pushed to call it a look, as you too were struggling to see as much as the redhead was, unable to make out anything. All you could see was the colour of blonde, a blur of pale skin that was possibly even paler than Kid's seemed in the pitch darkness of the night.

But before you could think further, the firm hold on your upper arm was gently released.

"Do you have car keys on you?"

Blinking owlishly a few times, you scrunched your nose up as you tried to process the words properly. But apparently, even thinking was hard.

"Huh- wah!"

Somehow as you stood completely upright and unmoving, you managed to stumble over your own feet. You let out a little squeak as the feeling of falling overtook your body. Prepared to hit the ground, you screwed up your eyes tightly. The rushing feeling cause a strange sensation in the pit of your stomach.

Clearly, you had definitely drunk enough.

"Be careful."

You never did hit the ground.

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