08 - the Disaster

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You woke with a gasping start.

The sound of a loud smash pulled you from your slumber, igniting a fear within you.

Did you lock the door?

Did you put away everything valuable?

Were you going to die?

It took a lot for you to pull yourself to a stand, brandishing a lamp that happened to be the thing closest to your bed.

You could feel yourself shaking, the lamp rattling as you walked far enough for the cord to rip out of the wall. There were a few further sounds of crashing about from your kitchen, making you sure you were either going to lose your life or something valuable of some extent. You had only been living in the city for a short while, and the thought of having a break-in terrified you. Things like this were rare in the country in comparison.

When you reached your bedroom door, cursing the floorboard for creaking loudly, everything fell eerily silent.

Begging that the door didn't make a sound, you cracked it open just a bit.

Your heart was thumping in your ears and it felt like anything would give you a heart attack should it jump out, your whole being on high alert. Taking one step cautiously over the threshold, you craned your neck towards the kitchen area. You couldn't help but stop breathing upon the sight of your front window.

It stood there with a rather large smash in its glasswork.

"What the..."

Mouthing under your breath, you could feel your heart slow to a stop.

Why was nothing moving?

Had whatever it was already gone?

Taking a few more steps, you pulled the lamp closer to your chest. Your whole body was tense and your heart was clenching roughly, praying to you to stop moving.

But what could you do, you had to sort this out.


Suddenly, something hissed and darted across your living room. You screamed absolute bloody murder, dropping the lamp.

When it hit the floor, the bulb smashed and you tried not to fall over in shock. Your heart felt like it had completely combusted inside of your chest, your lungs sent into a shock. Your eyes were wide and you clutched at your chest, staring off into the room.

Your eyes were caught on something which stood there. You saw a black mass in the corner of the room, with yellow orbs glowing brightly as it stared back.

Was it a monster?

Did monsters exist in the city?


You paused.

No, wait.

Brows furrowing, you slowly moved your hand from your chest.

"... what?"

Looking between the smashed window and the black blob, you noticed something.

The smash was far too small for it to be a human of any sort, and this thing didn't look like a human what so ever. But neither did it look like a monster, unless monsters were that tiny. If they were even real.

Narrowing your eyes, you stepped over the smashed lamp with caution and looked a little closer. Now that you were thinking about it, it looked awfully like...

"... a cat?"

Not even giving you the time to look closely, the thing darted from the corner and began to run ragged throughout your apartment. You were definitely less scared but feared for your home, the way it dashed about; knocking things over.

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