11 - Drunk, Again

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It didn't take an idiot to notice how comfortable you and Hawkins had gotten.

Though you weren't suggesting anything other than normal conversation, you were closer than before and it was more than obvious. Drake was no idiot, not even after his fourth or so beer as he scarfed half the pizza almost by himself. He was lying on the floor, propping his head up with his hand as he chugged numerous cans of brew over and over. How the ginger did it, you couldn't say.

You and Hawkins on the other hand were on the sofa, on opposite ends but talking like nothing was stopping you. Drake was kind of impressed with how much conversation you had gotten out of Hawkins already, he didn't think he'd see his mouth move so much in all his life.

"Was Luffy really that bad in school?"

Giggling, you tilted your head.

"Uh, yes. Childish, more like."

Drake spoke up to your question, rolling his eyes with a small frown.

"I didn't see a lot of him since he was a few years below me and Hawkins but,"

He paused to take another sip of beer, causing you to laugh. There was a clear tint to his cheeks, one you couldn't miss. And yet, he was still going.

"Whenever I did, he was sitting outside the headmaster's office with a huge grin on his face."

"One year I had a locker next to him, actually."

Hawkins gave you a thoughtful look, ending it with a sigh.

"I don't think I've ever felt more violated in my life. That boy is incredibly nosey and distasteful sometimes."

You laughed and stopped nibbling at your pizza, throwing your head back in the fit. Drake spluttered a little with a snicker upon seeing you, and Hawkins just gave the smallest of smiles. When you had calmed down, you readjusted your legs to fold them under you now that Faust had jumped off of your lap in the commotion.

Grimacing, you snickered.

"Yikes, you make him sound worse than Ace."

Hawkins quirked a tattooed brow.


You nodded.

"Yeah, Luffy is actually Ace's brother but apparently moved to the city early on, so I never really knew him. You've probably heard of their father though, Edward Newgate."

It was their turn to nod. Newgate owned possibly one of the biggest companies in the country, world even, it was hard to not know who he was.

You grinned as you thought back to one specific time which stuck out to you.

"Ace managed to steal possibly one of the most expensive cars in the town, which belonged to his brother Thatch, and crashed it into the side of my house."

The two had bullets of sweat rolling down their temple. Luffy was bad, but they were beginning to think that this Ace guy was a whole lot worse. Maybe a little. Maybe a lot? Who knows.

However, that's just what came with the Edward family - mischief and trouble.

"Of course, my dad almost killed him with his bare hands."

"Sounds like a lot of work to me."

Drake started on yet another can of beer as you sighed. Hawkins was just intently watching you, noticing each little sparkle in your eye and each little action. He loved watching you talk, you seemed happy to do so. And seeing you happy, made him happy.

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