13 - the Morning After

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Was it all a dream?

No, it was most definitely not.

Especially not as you awoke to the sight of Hawkins, blonde hair falling in his peaceful face while his limbs were tangled with yours; a truly glorious sight. He was still asleep but when you pried open your weary eyes, he began to stir. Despite what you had now done together, your heart was still speeding up when his crimson eyes locked onto yours.

"Good morning, (y/n)."

You couldn't help the giggles. His voice was beautiful anyway, but the sound of it in the morning was enough for you to fall head over heels for the man once again. Hearing it in real life and not over the phone was also special, too.

"Good morning!"

There was a comfortable heat to your cheeks as Hawkins pulled you further into his chest, resting his chin on top of your head. You moved one hand to trace the muscles of his chest and stomach, feeling each pale groove under your touch. The silence was nice, the both of you were just enjoying the subtle light that trailed past the closed curtain just a little, falling onto your bodies.

"Hawkins, I just wanted to ask something."

Shifting yourself up into a seated position, you gave the man a smile. His eyes travelled from yours, down your body and back. He sat up himself, wrapping one arm around your waist to bring you into his lap.

"Ask away."

You pressed your hands to his chest, looking down at your fingers as they brushed over his skin.

"What does this make us?"

There was a pause but surprisingly, Hawkins chuckled. It was soft, but it was enough for your smile to become more intense.

"You are asking this after we have sex?"

"I don't know! It could've been a one-time thing..."

Jokingly poking him with a pout, you allowed yourself to fall further into him so that he lay back down with you on top of his chest. One of his fingers trailed the line of your spine and elicited a shiver, your behind only just hidden by the covers that had slipped lower down your body.

"Well then,"

His gentle hand stopped at your lower back and just rested. There was this sparkle in his eyes that made your heart ache for him. Then, that damn smile, more prominent than ever before, graced his features.

"Would you like to be something more than friends?"

You could feel your cheek muscles burn with how widely you grinned. Anymore, and you would've probably ripped your mouth. You nodded.

"More than anything."

The two of you ended up getting out of bed after a good half hour of just enjoying each other's presence. Hawkins then suggested that you both have a shower, so that was exactly what you did.

Of course, you had to practically creep to the bathroom in fear that Drake would wake up. Apparently he was in no way a morning person and Hawkins didn't want to cause problems. Hopefully he didn't hear too much, or anything at all. But you were sure he was more than out for the count last night.

You pulled on the same outfit as yesterday as it was the only thing you had with you. Whatever you did, you were going to keep that t-shirt Hawkins gave you. There were good memories attached to it and you didn't feel like letting go of them, even if they would stay without a physical object.

But when the both of you were finally prepared, you stepped out the door - ready to take on the day.

"If you two are going to get busy in this house,"

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