09 - Maybe a Crush

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Usually, your body's internal clock was enough to wake you in time for work.

However, when your phone's alarm began to irritatingly blare out, you finally stirred from sleep. There was a slight weight on your stomach as you pulled open your eyes, feeling about beside you for your phone.

"... huh?"

The screen was displaying a time you dreaded seeing. It was a good ten minutes after the time you should've been setting off for work and seeing it made you jolt upwards.

But as you did so, there was a sound. It was a small mewl as the weight alleviated, followed by the sound of almost-mute footsteps hitting the floor. You looked over the side of the bed to see those big, green eyes staring back at you past a mass of black fur.

That's when you remembered all that had happened; how Hawkins had come over and helped you. But he must've left, as you couldn't hear a thing at all inside of your apartment.

After dragging yourself out of bed and rushing to get ready, you went out into your living room. Your eyes fell onto the coffee table, connecting with a book. That wasn't your book, it was Hawkins'. You huffed knowing you would have to bother him again to drop it back with him, picking it up and setting it aside where your bag was.

Another thing on your ever-growing list of things to do.

The traffic was a lot louder than usual and that's when you remembered the only thing keeping your window remotely closed was a board of wood. Groaning loudly, you slid one hand down your face and turned to the coffee maker to make your own coffee. There would be little to no time for you to pop in to Law's coffee place, so you had to settle with your own.

You then rang Robin and explained the issue.

She completely understood and said that it was okay for you to come into work a little later due to the circumstances. Luckily for you, she actually said that if you waited around for a bit, her fiancée would be able to come over and take a look. He worked at a joinery and metalwork workshop, there was something he was bound to know regarding window glass.

Thanking her, you turned to the cat who had now jumped up happily onto your kitchen counter. It was a beautiful thing, couldn't have been too old either. You had named it Faust and thought it fit well. Although, you still didn't know if it had an owner, it had no collar. You would have to take it to the vets to get them to check if it possibly has some sort of microchip.

Until then, it was you, Faust and the books of your flat.


"(Y/n), right?"

Sweet jesus this man was tall.

Tall, blue hair, big grin and possibly the coolest Hawaiian shirt you had seen in your life. It was only spring, and this country was cold.

"Yeah, coming in."

Leading him upstairs, you directed him towards the problem. He had no toolbox or anything like that, it was safe to assume he was looking at the problem and would be leaving later.

"And what caused this?"


Franky glanced over his shoulder to see your thumb hooked in the direction of Faust, who was quite politely licking his bum on the countertop.

The man raised one eyebrow and then burst out laughing.

"That cat has some serious strength in order to bust through a double glazed window. Clearly well mannered, too!"

You waved your hand trying not to laugh yourself as you picked up your bag.

"At least I have a story to tell Robin at work."

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