Chapter 2 || The New Girl

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I saw Noodles stick his head to the door.

"She's coming back!"

We all acted as if we were studying as the metal door opened. In stepped a girl with tan skin, silky brown hair, and brown eyes. To be honest... she was kinda... cute.

"Hello, children. This is Missy. She will be joining you today. Missy, I'd appreciate it if you took a seat right there."

The girl said nothing and walked over, sitting down and pulling out her iPad, continuing to study. The moment Miss Granada walked out the room, Noodles pressed his head to the door. The girl looked alarmed by his long long neck.

"She's gone!" he exclaimed.

We all threw up our papers in the air and began to rock out. The girl just look annoyed with our misbehavior and turned back to her studies, ignoring everything that was going on. I continued staring at her for absolutely no reason. Not like I like her or anything, just... getting to know her. From afar. Wheels gasped when he saw her, and wheeled over right next to her. Wheels is my best friend and if not for him, I don't know where I'd be in life. So I continued watching from afar.

"Hi. I'm Wheels. Yes, they call me that from account of the wheelchair. But I like it. Because it's pretty darn cool."

"Uh... nice..." Missy said, turning back to her studies. I guess she's a... nerd? Introvert? Or does she just not like any of us?

"You probably think I'm in this wheelchair because my legs are too weak! But... it's the opposite. My legs are too strong, so my bones can't support them. And my brain's the same way. Supercharged."

Yep. He's a genius. Noodles stretched his way over.

"Who's your friend, Wheels?"

"This is Missy."

"Hey," she said, giving a shy little wave.

"Missy, this is Noodles. We call him that--"

"--cuz he's just like a noodle. Stretchy enough to become one if he wanted to."

Smart girl.


"And that's Ojo. She's a genius drawer. That's her superpower."

"Can I see that?" Missy asked and looked through her drawings.

"A kid standing on... floating chairs? An exploding bouncy ball? What? Is that me? Why'd you draw me in front of the classroom?"

"They don't make any sense. And she doesn't talk."

Missy frowned before A-Capella walked up. And I knew what she was about to do.

"Don't speak, I know just what you're saying..." she sang.

"No, you don't," Wheels chuckled, "You have no idea what she's saying. Oh, this is A-Capella. A-Capella, meet Missy."

"It me."

"Nice... to meet you. Your superpower's singing?"

"Yep. But I have a really unusual range. I can go low and high," she said, "I can even go high."

We didn't hear anything, which normally means she did the 'no human hearing' thing.

"I can't hear anything," Missy frowned.

"It's beyond human hearing--"

"Miss A-Capella Vox! Please refrain from using your voice! The dogs have surrounded our building!"

"She can even go so low, it moves objects."

A-Capella demonstrated and Facemaker hopped onto the chairs. Missy frowned, looking at Ojo's iPad.

"And that's Slo-mo. He's Blinding Fast's kid. He's actually pretty fast, but he's just in a time warp. Somehow... honestly, even I don't understand."

"Hi..." Slo-mo slowly said, giving her a very slow salute.

"That kid's Facemaker. He can literally do anything with his face. It's crazy!"

"Two packs of candy for crossing our eyes," Facemaker said.

"You're on," Noodles grinned and crossed his eyes, "beat that."

And then... Facemaker's eyes switched positions.

"What the..." Noodles stared.

"I can even change my face to look like... you," Facemaker snickered, changing his face.

"What?! I can't compete with that!" Noodles yelled in fury before smashing the table apart.

"Rewind! Clean up, please!"

"That's Rewind. He can rewind time. Just a few seconds, though."

Time rewinded and this time, they moved a yoga ball there instead. Noodles's fist exploded the yoga ball and Facemaker was blasted back, caught on the rock climbing ropes.

"They're twins! It's crazy right?" Wheels exclaimed.

"Huh?" Missy asked.

When did Wheels say anything about twins?

"Fast Forward! Are you at it again?"

"You took too long. I got bored."

"That's Fast Forward. She's Rewind's twin. They can't agree on anything but one thing. They don't like each other."

"At all," they glared.

"And this is our fearless leader, Wildcard."

Wheels winked at me and I was grateful that he made me look good in front of Missy.

"He literally has any power imaginable!"

"It's true," I smirked at her.

She looked slightly uncomfortable. And I wondered if I did anything wrong.

"Except he can't control any of his powers," Facemaker scoffed and I glared at him.

"Until now that is... TELEPORT!"

And I lit my book on fire. I saw Guppy make a stapler out of water and put it out.

"Last but not least, Guppy!"

"How... are you doing that?" Missy stared in awe at the water.

"My mommy's Lavagirl and my daddy's Sharkboy. So I control water instead of lava. But I need water in order for my powers to work."

She took a sip from her water bottle, spit it out, and made it look like a shark eating a human.

"That's cool," Missy smiled kindly.

"What's your superpower?" I asked.

She flushed a little and winced.

"About this whole powers thing..."

"I recognize you!" Facemaker gasped, "She's Marcus Moreno's kid!"

"Yeah... My dad doesn't go on missions. So I've been... chilling with the normal kids."

"Why'd they do that? Put a child of a hero in the middle of... oh... you don't have powers," I smirked. What? I still had to make myself look good.

Her face showed pain and I kinda regretted it.

"Whatever. Can someone turn on the TV? I wanna see what's going on with our parents."

I shrugged and Wheels turned on the TV.

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