Chapter 4 || The Great Escape

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I watched as Facemaker slipped his head through the door. The three hall guards turned.

"Is that up dog?" Facemaker asked.

"What's... up dog?"

"Nothing much. Just living my best life here. Not like I'm totally up to no good or anything," Facemaker made his face look like the joker-style mischievous expression and slipped back in.

"Really? That joke?" I rolled my eyes.

"It got them here," Facemaker motioned to the door as it swung open and the hall guards came in.

"Don't ask how we know this, but aliens are gonna attack. And we'll need to get out of here, so we'll need your access cards."

The guard in the middle chuckled, "And you think we're just gonna give em to you?"

"Nope. But it would make this a whole lot easier. Boys! Cushions!"

"Look. Nothing's getting in and nothing's getting out. Those are the rules--what are those for?"

"Tell them Guppy," I smiled at the little five-year-old.

"To protect your butts when you hit the ground."

The hall guards began to chuckle and the middle one held out his hand.

"Why don't you get back in line, sweetie?"

Guppy grabbed his arm and flipped him over her shoulder. The second hall guard got defensive.

"Oh no... she's got shark strength!"

Guppy kicked the second hall guard and kicked him all the way until he crashed into the hammock chair.

"Have a nice nap!" she said, all sweet.

Noodles grabbed the third hall guard, wrapping him around before slamming him to the ground. He snatched all their access cards.

"Sorry. Aliens really are gonna invade and we're--"

The third hall guard pressed the alarm button and the bars closed.

"This was a bad idea," Fast Forward sighed.

"Wheels! Next time this happens, don't let that guard get to the emergency button. Noodles! You'll grab his jacket and cuff them both."

"What next time? You kids aren't getting out of--" the first hall guard started but screamed.

Suddenly, alien tentacles burst through the fan vent.

"I told you this wasn't gonna work--" Wildcard told me until the alien tentacles grabbed him. "AHHH!"

"NO!" I yelled, "Rewind! Send us back!"

I was telling them again.

"Sorry. Aliens really are gonna invade and we're--"

Wheels wheeled onto the third guard's legs as he tried to reach the emergency button.

"Let's go!" Noodles said when he cuffed both guards and got a jacket.

"Single file line! Like a fire drill! We'll be questioned less, that way."

"Greetings fellow grown ups," Noodles said, stretching to make himself tall.

"Hey," a woman started but when she saw us, she frowned, "HEY!"

She looked at the vault doors and alien tentacles dented the metal. She gasped and pressed the alarm button. We ran for it. Suddenly, I bumped into someone.

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