Chapter 6 || The Greatest Hero

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With the aliens...

"What do you mean I don't get anything right?"

"Oh what's your big problem!"

"Oh you're saying I'm a problem?"

"I said it! You wanna go right now--"

"Don't make me use my outside voice on you two... Ah Ah," Ms. Vox sang.

Marcus Moreno just stared at all the fighting miserably with his head on his palm.

"You know, we work in the same organization. It'd be nice if you communicated," Blinding Fast said while Sharkboy threw a paper ball at his head."

"You know, if we fought like this with the aliens we wouldn't be captured now," Marcus sighed, turning to his team.

"That's what I've been trying to tell him," Blinding Fast rolled his eyes.

"Why don't you cheer us up by singing one of those little songs you sing, Sharkboy?" Miracle Guy said, smirking as Sharkboy's anger ticked.

"Easy, Sharkboy," Lavagirl held her husband's arm back, "He's just baiting you."

"Please stop fighting," Marcus Moreno stood up, having enough of it, "You're acting like children. Maybe even worse!"

"Yeah. Miracle Guy, why don't you just pretend like there's a camera on you?" Lavagirl glared at him.

"Well, there isn't a camera on me and my true self doesn't like you," he pointed at Sharkboy, "you," he pointed at Marcus, "Oh. And you." He pointed at Lavagirl and her hair lit up in flames.

"What's that?" something was floating into the room.

"It looks like... a camera," Marcus said.

All the heroes immediately got into position.

"I demand you release us. Whoever and whatever you are," Marcus pointed at the camera.

Suddenly, it was the president.

"Mr. President?"

"Heroics. The aliens didn't give me much time... but it's about your children. They've disappeared from Headquarters."

Every hero gasped.

"They'll be helpless without us..." Miracle Guy whispered.


We all got into fighting stance and suddenly, Antia Moreno paused, looking to her left.

"Keep training."

No, I was gonna see what was going on. I snuck over to them and saw Missy sitting alone on the bench, her face leaking tears and her stubbornness trying to hold them back.

"Now, now... you didn't think you were gonna get it on your first try, did you?" Anita said, calming her granddaughter down.

"I'm never gonna get it!" Missy exclaimed, throwing her hands down, "You know why? Because I'm useless."

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