Chapter 12 || The Final Battle

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"You knew... How'd you figure it out?"

"You accidentally gave it away in one of your own drawings."


"Ojo's an alien spy!" I hissed into Wildcard's ear as I showed him the picture of Ojo with tentacles out of her back with her iPad.

"HOLY... doo doo."

I rolled my eyes and continued telling him our plan.

"So after we sneak on that space ship, we're gonna go ahead and continue with the flow up to a certain point when it seems like all is lost and stuff. Like at the right time whenever it feels right. We need to make it look real. You're gonna just explode in my face and tell me you're gonna take yourself and Facemaker off to find our parents. You'll swap clothes with Facemaker and Facemaker will be you."

"Uh huh..."

"Then you sneak into the ship's control center and all things techy."


"And we'll get to the pyramid and stop the aliens and whatever. But now, seem like it's all your roll and we're all your little munchkins or something."

"Missy I don't talk like--Mhm... That's really smart!"

And looking at Ojo, I knew she fell for it.


Suddenly, Facemaker came jogging in.

"Hey--Ojo's an alien!" he pointed at her tentacles.

Yes, Mr. Captain Obvious.

"We know!" we all sighed.

"Quick! Wildcard! Bring down that shield!"

"Which button?" Wildcard asked.

"Knowing the aliens, it's most likely the big button with a picture of a shield on it," Wheels called up.

We watched the red barrier go down and cheered. We could stop the takeover now!

"I hate to spoil your celebration... but there's two minutes left. Game's not over yet."

Ojo began to draw in her iPad and we all frowned, waiting for the worst. What she did was worse than we could imagine. A monster leaped out of her iPad and grew and grew before it towered over us.

"Quick! Wheels! Go put the panel in! We'll hold it off!"

"I-It's not an it! It's a them!" Wheels pointed at the group of monsters, all drawn by Ojo's magical stylist.

"Then you better be quick!"

I braced myself for battle.

"Hey!" Rewind said as Slo-mo attacked, "Only speed up Slo-mo."

"But how?"

"I help you!"

They held hands and began to do their mojo. The blast of red and blue light hit Slo-mo and Slo-mo fought with speed I'd never have thought imaginable for him.

Back with the Heroics...

As Blinding Fast watched his son fight the monster with lightning speed, his heart melted with pride.

"He did it..." he sniffled, "D-Don't you see? He did it?"

"It was too fast," Miracle Guy said unexpectedly, "Even for me to see."

He held out his fist for a fist pump and Blinding Fast returned it swiftly.

"Wow..." he turned back to the screen.


I looked over at the door as the tentacles squeezed in.

"Come in, it's broken!"

The doors burst open and I snickered.

"I mean it's open!"

They all marched in and Missy's voice came in.

"Wildcard! You have to keep those shields up!"

"Don't worry, cutie pi--Missy! I've got this."

"Oh, yeah?" Miss Granada smirked, "What are you gonna do about it? Turn into a bowling ball?"

"Sure," I shrugged, "If I wanna."

Her face froze.

"I can control my powers now."

I smiled, thinking of Missy.

"Missy believed in me. And now I believe in myself."

Miss Granada began to laugh.

"And you think... that's enough! Believing in yourself."

"Let's do this." I raised my eyebrows.

Miss Granada fake sighed.

"Let's take him."

I looked at the guard racing towards me and focused my energy on the happiest thing I could imagine. Missy's face.


I flew up and stared at my arms and feet. I looked like a chicken! I was lowered down the to floor. I saw the other guard.


I turned into a bowling ball and crushed his poor toes.


I turned back into a human.

"Electricity fingers..."

I blasted one of them with electricity, the other as it charged, and the other one with the crushed toes, just in case it decided to come back and attack. I looked at the lone Miss Granada, with no escape.

"And my personal favorite... the freeze ray."

My finger lit up blue and I blasted Miss Granada with it. She began to feel the ice forming at her feet and it traveled up her body until she couldn't get out. She was Miss Granada, the alien popsicle. Great!


We all fought, punching and kicking like badasses--oops! I'm not supposed to use that word! I watched as Guppy blasted a monster with water.

"I'm running out of water!" she yelled.

Back with the Heroics...

"It's too much stress I can't take it!" Lavagirl said, sitting down and anxiously watching her little girl.

"Guppy! Make ninja stars!" Missy yelled at her.

She nodded and began to craft them before Missy turned to Noodles.

"Noodles! Slingshot!"

"Quick! Hold me down!" he called and Facemaker held him down.

Noodles nodded when he was secure and Guppy threw the ninja stars in front of the slingshot.

"Someone pull Noodles!"

Slo-mo ran forward and pulled. And when he fired, the two monsters were pinned to the wall. They all cheered, hooting and cheering. Then, Ojo.

"Not so fast," she said, glaring before swiping two monsters on either end.

Missy looked back and forth from the two monsters and looked at Noodles.

"Noodles! Tightrope!"

Noodles wrapped one arm around the edge and made the tightrope.

"Now someone! Draw them in!" Missy yelled.

Everyone looked at one another, not wanting to go on the perilous event.

"NO!" Missy held up her hands, "I have to do it. I know I can do this."

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