Chapter 5 || Anita Moreno

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We crashed into my grandmother's new gazebo.


"Hi Abuelita!" I squinted, exhausted from what just happened.

"Ah! Ah, Missy!" she exclaimed in happiness, "Come and say hello to your grandmother!"

I ran over to her.

"No way!" Noodles exclaimed, "Missy! Your grandma's Anita Moreno?"

"Trainer of the Heroics?" Wildcard continued.

"She's a legend!" Facemaker added on.

"No, no, you have to be dead to be a legend and I am very much alive," Grandma gave him a slight look of unintentional offense.

"Abuelita... we're in trouble and need somewhere to hide," I said.

"Oh... you'll have to do a lot more than that. That alien thing is already preparing its invading forces."

"She's right! We only have two hours!"

"Come inside, dears."

At Heroics' Headquarters...

"Ugh! How hard can it be to find untrained, UNPREPARED, children?!" Miss Granada snapped.

"There seems to be something... it's a weak signal... but it's from... this kid," a guy said, pulling up a picture of Missy and her bracelet.

"Can we trace it?"

"We can try... Got her!"


Back at Anita Moreno's...

"But we're children," Rewind glanced at my grandma like she was crazy.

"The children of the Heroics!" Grandma said confidently while pouring us more homemade lemonade. "If anyone's gonna save the world, it's gotta be you. Because all of you have superpowers!"

Not me, I thought in my head, I'm useless.

I felt someone looking at me and I turned to see Wildcard. He quickly looked away but I could tell he knew what I was thinking. I thought a saw a faint glimpse of empathy.. but that was probably just a hallucination and he was probably gonna taunt me for it anyways.

"Super lame powers," Facemaker rolled his eyes.

"Speak for yourself," Wildcard scoffed.

And he's back.

"Mmm... no, no, no... this is absolutely no way to be a super team!"

"Abuelita's right," I stood up, "Aliens are literally gonna invade this whole planet and they have our parents trapped in their ship. If we're gonna do something, we better do it now."

"So you're saying... we can be heroes?" A-Capella said, disbelieving.

"I mean... yeah! I guess that's what I'm saying."

"We can be heroes... just for one daaay!" she sang.

We all gave her looks.

"What? I felt like it! The timing was fitting."

"I need you all to MAXIMIZE your powers! Be champions!"

"Please, lady," Wildcard scoffed, "That's my life. Got any other plan and I'm all ears."

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