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"It's okay, it's okay" No this isn't fucking okay. The girl I so stupidly started to fall for is dying right in front of my eyes because she followed me. This was my fault.

"I'm just...tired" as she says those words her eyes shut. I stare at her waiting to open her eyes, but she doesn't. Jesus, how much blood did she loose.

"Em..." nothing.

"Emma. Emma!" I start to shake her, but nothing.

"Fuck, Stan!" I yell over my shoulder not tearing my gaze off of her. He runs over and freezes for a second.

"Fuck" he mutters as he sprints over.

"Emma, hunny, you've gotta wake up" he says shaking her too.

"Shit, come on!"

"What the hell is with all the yelling?" Stan and I both turn to see Irene there looking angry, until her eyes land on Emma.

"Shit, Stan, what happened?" she rushes over after throwing her bag on the table.

"She got shot, twice, and didn't get treated immediately. She lost a lot of blood." Irene then places two fingers on her neck to check her pulse. She sighs and looks at Stan.

"Her pulse, it's slowing down. She needs a blood transfusion ASAP" I quickly get up and pick her up bridal style rushing to the car. Stan gets in the drivers side as Irene get's in the passengers side. I go in the back with Emma in my arms. Her face is getting paler, making me worry a whole lot more.

"Shit, Emma come on" I move some of her hair out of the way as Stan breaks the laws of driving.

Once we get to the parking lot of the nearest hospital, Stan doesn't even park well, he just jumps out of the car telling me to get her out as he goes to get help. I do as he asks and get Emma out carefully to see that my shirt and jeans are now covered in her blood. Irene jogs behind me, struggling with her heels as I run into the hospital.

"Help! Please, she's lost a lot of blood!" just then, Stan shows up with three nurses and a stretcher. I carefully place her on it as they take her way. I try to follow but Stan stops me.

"Can't go in kid, trust me, I asked." I sigh in frustration as I punch the wall.

"Fuck!" I yell, causing all eyes to land on me.

"Sir, you need to calm down or we're gonna ask you to leave" the receptionist tells me.

"Sorry" I don't mean that, but I can't leave. Not until I know she's okay.

"Rapp, calm down" I turn my head to Irene with an 'are you kidding me' look.

"Calm down? How the fuck do you want me to calm down, huh!? She's in there because of me. I was the idiot that went after Sharif and she followed. It's my fault!" both Stan and Irene seem shocked at my outburst as they just stare at me. I run my hand through my hair and down my face as the other remains on my hip.

"What happened?" a familiar voice says coming up to us. Annika.

I zone out as Stan fills her in with what happened to Emma and why we're here. All I could think about is her. Fuck, I can't lose her, not her. Do I just have bad luck or what? I sit on a chair and my leg starts to bounce up and down and I place my elbows on my knees interlocking my fingers laying my chin on them. Once Stan finishes filling Annika in, it gets silent. None of us say a word. I can feel their stare, but I don't look at them. I keep my gaze on the ground with my leg still bouncing as I grow impatient.

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