| 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝟏𝟏 |

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I groan as my head starts to pound, waking me up. I slowly open my eyes to see that I'm in a dark room of sorts. I see some light coming from behind clear curtains. I look around to see my dad sitting on a chair with his arm on a table. It seems as if something is holding it in place. I can also, barely, see that Ronnie has already punched him a few times.

"D-dad?" He quickly looks over and sighs in relief as he closes his eyes,

"Emma, thank god, are you okay?"

"Yeah, just a small headache, but it's going away." I look over to the curtains to see someone in a white hazmat suit.

"Oh my god...that's the nuke..." I look back to my dad who simply nods as he looks at the curtains as well. Just then, Ronnie walks out and heads straight to my dad.

"Stan. I've looked forward to this." He says as he stands in front of him.

"I'm sure you have, Ronnie." There was a pause before Ronnie begins to talk. Apparently, he thinks I'm still knocked out since he hasn't bothered to look my way.

"I wanna show you something."

"All right." He then turns around and takes off a vest he has on, followed by his shirt. He then pulls out a gun from his jeans and turns back to my dad. I try to move only to realize that my hands are tied to the wall behind me.

"Savages. Right, Stan?" He says with his arms extended out to his sides, revealing his multiple scars.

"But you know something? I don't blame them. I blame you."

"Never would've happened if you would have followed orders, Ronnie."

"You go down out there, you're a ghost. You're a John Doe. You get captured..." He then places the gun in his mouth. So that's where he got the name Ghost from, my dad's famous speech.

"Oh, you remember. That's very gratifying. Thank you. You made me proud today, Ron." I swear to god, if my dad continues to irritate him, something bad's gonna happen.

"You should've come for me." Ronnie says in a sad tone.

"Ten men would've died. You put ten men's lives in danger, 'cause you couldn't;t follow a fucking order. Fuck you."

"Fuck orders. Fuck the mission!"

"Fuck you"

"This was me. I was your boy, I believe that. You made me believe that." He then puts the gun back in the back of his jeans as he walks up to my dad. He grabs his other arm and chains it up to a chain that's hanging from the ceiling.

"Stop, Ronnie!" Once he chained my dad up, he turns to me and smirks.

Shit. At least he'll leave my dad alone for a while.

"Glad to have you join us Emma" He crouches in front of me just staring at me. My heart rate increases. I hate to admit it, but he has the upper hand right now, which scares me. He notices as he shakes his head slightly before bringing his hand to cup my cheek. I try to pull away causing him to use his other hand as well.

"You know, getting you was harder than I expected. I wonder how that new recruit is copping with the fact that, you're here, with me." I whimper as I try to get free from his hold.

"What if I go ahead and, hurt him too, huh? Beat him, kill h-"

"Don't you dare hurt him" I spit out harshly, venom lacing me words as I tug on the chains. He chuckles and looks down, letting go of my face. He brings his gaze back up to me with a serious death stare.

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