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a/n: hey guys!! before i start this, i just wanted to say that this story is largely inspired by lovatic_f's story, "Under Her Wing"! I fell in love with the concept of that book and really wanted to create my own type of story using her concept so you guys should definitely go check out her books too because they are amazing!! i am in no way trying to steal her ideas, i just really felt inspired to create a similar story:))

Abby's POV

I am abruptly waken up by the sound of my alarm at 7 o'clock, after getting a less than sufficient amount of sleep.

"Ugh," I groan and roll over to stop the blaring sound of my phone. I take a deep breath before dragging myself out of the comfort of my warm bed, and sleepily stumble into the bathroom. I can hear my mom downstairs on a phone call, most likely to do with her work.

As I wash my face and brush my teeth, I begin mentally preparing myself for what is about to be the biggest day of my acting career thus far. I'm only fifteen years old, but have been in the acting business for years at this point, mainly acting for commercials, small roles in moves or T.V. shows, and the occasional modeling job for random companies. But today I am going to the table read for the first episode of season 5 of the Grey's Anatomy spin-off, Station 19. I auditioned for this role on a whim, not thinking in a million years that I was talented enough or experienced enough to actually book it, but here I am.

I glance over at the clock when I'm finished getting ready for the table read, noticing that we have to leave in ten minutes if I'm going to make it in time. Gathering my phone, laptop for school, and my backpack I turn off my bedroom light and make my way downstairs where I see my mother hunched over the computer with her phone help up to her ear by her shoulder. She glances up at me as I stand in front of her, and does a double-take with a confused look on her face.

"Can you hold on for just one second?" She asks the person on the other end of the line. "Why are you up and ready so early? Are you going somewhere?"

"I start my job for Station 19 today," I sigh when I realize she has completely forgotten. "The first table read is this morning, you were supposed to drive me over in like five minutes?" My mom is always too absorbed in her own life to pay enough attention to mine, but I've gotten used to it. When my dad passed away three years ago her neglect got worse, but I just like to think it's made me more independent.

"," she trails off, running a hand through her hair, clearly distressed.

"It's fine, I'll just take the bus," I grab my things and quickly make my way towards the door. "Not like I expected you to remember in the first place." I huff under my breath, quietly enough for her not to hear.

"Wait, Abby!" I ignore her and slam the front door behind me. If she really cared enough she would come outside to follow me, but when I realize she's staying right where she is I begin walking to the bus stop at the end of our street. I don't even know if there's a bus stop close to set.

As I find a seat towards the front of the bus, I feel the nerves begin to set in. What if I'm not good enough to act for a big show like this? What if the producers realize they made a mistake in hiring me? What if the rest of the cast hates me? I take a deep breath and force myself to stop picking at the skin around my fingers; a habit that I picked up years ago thanks to my anxiety. I spend the short bus ride trying to calm my nerves, and before I know it I've made it to my stop. Thankfully there is a bus stop very close to set...I have a feeling I'll be taking the bus more often than not.

I'm greeted by a security guard by the entrance, to whom I show my ID and he escorts me to the location of the table read. I warily walk over to the numerous tables set up, and find the script that says my name.

As I get situated in my seat, I look around at all the other people in the room. Actors, producers, directors, crew's almost overwhelming. Over by the door I see one woman who looks to be in her mid-thirties dancing with a couple other guys who look around the same age. One of them has freckles and the other is extremely tall. A few feet away from them I see two other women. One of them, the blonde, has a big smile plastered on her face as the brunette appears to be telling a story. Another woman joins the other two, and they greet each other with a hug before the third woman makes her way over to the tables to find her seat. I watch as the blonde and the brunette begin walking over in my direction, the shorter woman playfully bumping her shoulder into the taller woman as she laughs.

To my right, the script on the table reads "Danielle Savre" and to my left says "Barrett Doss". The brunette pulls the chair to my right out, and I assume that she's Danielle, until the blonde sits in the seat instead.

"Thank you, Stefania." She smiles up at the other woman who smiles back as she sits in the seat next to Danielle.

"Hi!" Danielle turns toward me and holds her hand out. "I'm must be Abby?"

a/n: hey guys!! i hope you all are enjoying this story so far! i know this chapter was a little boring, just trying to establish some background:) next chapter will start to explore the relationship between Stefania and Danielle, and Abby's relationship with Danielle will also start to build! let me know what you think:)

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