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a/n: here's the next chapter as promised:) make sure you've read the previous chapter before this can get kind of confusing if you click on this update before the last once since they're only a few hours apart:)

"Bye Sharon, see you."

Danielle's POV

It's Sunday night and I'm sitting in my bed trying to look over my lines, but ever since the night that Stefania and I kissed that's all I can think about. She wasn't needed on set on Friday, so I haven't seen her since. We've texted everyday since then like we always do, but we haven't really talked about it that much. But thankfully there's been no weird tension or anything, I think that kiss happened for a reason. I'm brought away from my thoughts when my phone begins to ring. I turn it over from where it's sitting face down on my bedside table, and see Abby's name on my screen, and my heart rate quickens.

"Abby?" I quickly answer as soon as I see her calling.

"Danielle," she says, her voice quiet.

"What's wrong? Are you okay?"

"No, yeah, I'm fine." She sounds like she's on the verge of tears.

"Abby, your voice is all shaky...what's going on?"

"Um, so you know Sharon? From set?"

"Uh huh," I stand up from my bed and begin pacing back in forth slowly in my room.

"Well, she just called me, and she said that next week we're all going to be traveling up north to film on location for the week."

"Okay..." I trail off, trying to figure out where she's going with this.

"But I'm underage. And I need a guardian there with me." Her voice cracks and there's a short moment of silence. "And I don't know what to do." I can tell she's crying now, her voice is slightly muffled and I hear a sniffle come from her nose.

"Oh, Abby..." I say, running a hand through my hair and trying to quickly think of what I can do.

"Danielle, I-I can't, my mom...she...I don't..." Abby can hardly get two words out and I can hear her voice shaking intensely.

"Okay, okay Abby it's okay," I say, cutting her off from the broken sentences she's speaking. "I need you to take a deep breath for me," I hear her breathe through the phone. "Good, okay, I'm going to call Sharon right now and I'm going to tell her that I'm gonna act as your chaperone for the week, okay? I'll sign all the papers, and you'll stay with me in my hotel room."

"Danielle..." her voice goes quiet again.

"Abby, I'm doing this, okay? Let me do this for you."

"Thank you," her voice cracks as she struggles to get those two words out, and I feel my heart breaking.

"Hey, you don't need to thank me. I'm more than happy to do this." There's a moment of silence between us before I continue. "I'm glad you called me. You're not alone, alright?"

"Mhm," Even from that one sound I can hear her voice shake.

"I've got you." I listen as she takes in another shaky breath. "Are you okay to try to go to sleep now? Or do you want me to stay on and keep talking to you for a little while?"

"No, I think I'm okay. Thank you, Danielle." Her voice sounds a little stronger now.

"Okay. You're welcome, sweetie. I'll see you in the morning."

"Good night,"

I sigh as I hang up the phone. Poor girl, she shouldn't have to be worried about the fact that her mom probably won't be willing to travel with her for her job. I immediately pull up Sharon's contact and call her, making sure that everything will be squared away for me to be Abby's guardian for the week. It's probably too late at night for me to be calling one of my superiors about work, but I won't be able to sleep until I know that this will work, and I know Abby definitely won't either.

As soon as everything is situated with Sharon and she tells me that she'll have the paperwork ready for me to sign tomorrow, I text Abby letting her know in hopes to calm her nerves a little.

D: I just talked with Sharon...everything is all set and I'm signing all the necessary paperwork tomorrow. Try not to stress, everything is okay<3

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