thirty two.

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"Good...there are still so many things i want to do with you."

Danielle's POV

I am awaken by the bright sunlight shining in through the window of Stefania's bedroom. I roll over to see the Italian still asleep, looking effortlessly gorgeous as her chest rises and falls repeatedly and her eyes delicately closed shut. Admiring her beauty, I watch her peacefully sleep for a few moments before leaning over to gently kiss her on the forehead in attempt to wake her up. She stirs slightly, a slight moan coming from her throat before she opens her eyes, smiling when she sees me laying next to her.

"Buongiorno, bambina." She smiles softly as she brings her hand up to rub her eyes.

"Good morning, beautiful." I say, my voice coming out strained and raspy. Surprised by the state of my voice, I bring my hand up to my neck and clear my throat. A smirk appears on Stefania's face, both of us knowing that she's the reason I have no voice right now.

"That's my new favorite voice," she chuckles softly. "Morning after sex, raspy from screaming my name," I bury my face in the crook of her neck, attempting to hide my blush. "You don't need to hide, I know your cheeks are bright pink right now." She teases me, and when I don't respond again she just laughs. "Come on, I want to make you breakfast, do you want to help me?" She asks, her naked body rolling out of bed and over to her closet, grabbing a baggy t shirt to throw over her body.

"Yeah," I smile, sitting up while holding the sheets up to cover my bare chest. "Can you toss me a shirt?"

"You know I was just looking at you naked for hours last night," she teases me as she throws a t shirt onto the bed from across the room.

"Stop," I whine, slipping the t shirt over my body without letting the sheet fall. "This is different."

"You're cute," she laughs, walking over to me and leaning down to press a kiss to my lips, before I push her away.

"Noo, I haven't brushed my teeth." I say, holding my hand in front of my mouth.

"Bambina," Stefania giggles. "Like I've said, I don't care, I just want to kiss you." She leans in again to kiss my lips.


"This is delicious, baby." I say, taking a bite of the french toast she just made.

"Baby?" She asks with a smile on her face, referring to what I just called her.

"What? You call me 'bambina'" I point out.

"You've just never called me that before," she looks down at her plate shyly.

"Do you like it?" I ask her nervously.

"Yeah," she admits, looking up at me bashfully. "I do."

Abby's POV

"Abby!" I hear my mom calling my name from downstairs. It's Sunday night, meaning it's her one day off from work, which she usually spends glued to her computer anyways.

"Yeah?" I ask, walking down the stairs and confused as to why she needs me.

"When do you get your next paycheck?" she asks me.

"The end of this week, why?" I don't dare move closer to her from where I'm standing at the bottom of the stairs. 

"The electric and phone bills are due next week," she states.

"And what happened to your big job in the city where you spend all day everyday at?" I snap.

"I got an apartment in the city so I don't want to dip into my account for the bills this month." She says, nonchalantly.

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