twenty two.

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"My lips are sealed."

Abby's POV

I am woke up at 6:00 Monday morning by my blaring alarm clock. I groan, rolling over to turn it off but immediately am put in a good mood when I remember that we're leaving today to go up north and I won't have to be in my house for the entire week.

As soon as I turn my alarm off, a text from Danielle comes in.

D: See you in about a half hour!

I quickly text her back before double checking one more time that I've packed everything I'll need. I must have unpacked and repacked my suitcase at least ten times over the course of the entire weekend.

I quietly make my way down the stairs after throwing on a pair of sweats and a t-shirt, careful not to wake up either my mom or Rob. They probably don't remember that I'm leaving today, so I leave a note taped to the fridge...not like they're even gonna realize that I'm gone for six days, but just in case.

D: I'm here!

I see another notification from Danielle saying she's here, and once again I quietly make my way outside.

"Hi," I groggily smile when I approach the car. She's standing outside by the trunk of her car.

"Hey sleepyhead," she laughs as she takes my suitcase from me puts it in the back of the car. We both walk around to the front of the car and get situated for the long drive.

Danielle pulls out her phone before we leave and opens the Starbucks app.

"I'm gonna do a mobile order for Starbucks so we can stop there you want your usual?" she asks me.

"Yes, please." I lean my head back on the headrest.

"Tired?" she laughs.


"Any particular reason why?" I turn my head to look at her and stare at her in silence for a few moments before deciding what to say.

"I have anxiety..." I trail off, looking down at my lap. "I just couldn't turn my mind off last night I guess." I look back up at Danielle after a while of her not saying anything.

"I have anxiety too," she says, looking me in the eyes.

"You do?" I ask quietly.

She nods her head. "Since I was about your age...or at least that's when it got bad enough for me to realize." I just look into her blue eyes. "I get it." She places her hand on my knee. "I know the last thing someone with anxiety wants to hear is 'everything is going to be okay' , so I'm just gonna say this; I've got you, alright? You can trust me, I want to do whatever I can to help." I place my hand on top of hers.

"I do trust you." I say seriously and I see the corners of her lips begin to turn up into a smile.

We begin driving, stopping at Starbucks on the way to pick up our coffees. Danielle explains to me a little of what this week is going to entail. What I got from it is pretty much that Today is going to be mainly a prep day for the crew, and we'll be shooting Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, with Friday being a day to double check all of our footage and re-shoot anything if needed. And then Saturday is when we'll be heading back home.

I'm not in a ton of these scenes, so it doesn't seem like I'll be super busy, which I don't mind. I'm just happy to be away from my house for this long.


Danielle's POV

When we have about 20 minutes left of our drive, I get a call from Stefania. I pick it up, putting her on speaker so I don't have to hold my phone while I'm driving.

"Hi beautiful," I answer, catching a glimpse of Abby smiling out of the corner of my eye.

"Ciao bellina!" she replies. "I just arrived at the hotel, when are you guys getting here?"

"Umm we're about 15 or 20 minutes away I think."

"Okay, good. I think our hotel rooms are connect to each other."

"Wonderful," I laugh.

"Well, get here soon bella. I can't wait to kiss you."

Abby reaches her hand out and slaps me on the arm, I'm assuming out of excitement.

"Ouch!" I exclaim, laughing a little.

"Bambina?" Stefania says questioningly.

"Oh, umm..." I laugh again, not knowing if I should tell Stefania that Abby just heard what she said. I haven't told Stefania that she knows yet. "Abby's here...and you're on speaker," I chuckle, waiting for her response.

"Oh," she says, not knowing how to respond.

"It's okay, she already knows." I assure her.

This time Abby interjects. "And I know for a fact that Danielle can't wait to kiss you either, Stefania."

This time it's my turn to reach over and give her a playful punch on the shoulder.

"Ow," she giggles.

"Okay," Stefania laughs. "And I hope you're right about that, Abby."

"She's right." I say quietly, feeling my cheeks turn pink.

"Also just so you know, although you probably already could assume, Danielle is blushing so hard right now." Abby says.

"She does that a lot," Stefania laughs.

"Okay I'm hanging up now before you two embarrass me more." I chuckle slightly.

"Okay, bella. I'll see you two soon."

a/n: kinda a boring chapter so i'm sorry about that:/ but there are some really good ones coming up!!

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