seventy one.

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"Well, lucky for you, I'm not going anywhere tonight,"

Danielle's POV

Saturday, April 18th

With the sunlight shining in through the window of my bedroom, I look over to the side to admire my sleeping girlfriend. When Stefania and I spend the night together, she is typically the one to wake up first in the morning, so I'm enjoying watching her peaceful state of sleep.

I prop myself up on my elbow and rest the side of my head in my hand, watching as her chest rises and falls repeatedly. Noticing that the sun is shining through the window directly onto Stefania's face, I quietly roll out of bed and grab a blanket from
the edge of the bed to wrap around my naked body. I walk over to pull the curtains shut, careful to not wake Stefania, but I am not successful in that task. She begins to stir as I walk over the window. I pause, watching to see if she will drift back to sleep. When her eyes flutter open, I pull the curtains shut and walk back over to her side of the bed.

"Good morning beautiful," I whisper as she wakes up. She groans and grabs a pillow to cover her face with. "Still tired?" I chuckle. She removes the pillow as I sit down on the edge of the bed, still holding the blanket around my body. I lean down to connect our lips in a soft kiss.

"What happened to no kisses until you've brushed your teeth?" She asks playfully, sleep still lacing her voice.

"I've gotten over that," I reply with a giggle. "I want to always kiss you no matter what," she reaches up and pulls my head back in for another kiss. "What do you want to do for breakfast?" I ask as she pulls away.

"Anything that I don't have to cook," she replies, collapsing back on the pillow and closing her eyes again.

"You're in a good mood this morning," I joke sarcastically, chuckling softly as I watch Stefania pull the covers away from her and stand up from the bed, walking over to her bag to pull out an oversized t-shirt. My eyes are glued to her naked body the whole time.

"It's not my fault you kept me up late last night," she says as she pulls the shirt over her head and slips on a pair of underwear underneath.

"Are you complaining about that?" I ask playfully, standing up from the bed and walking over to my closet to also get a t shirt to wear. "Because it didn't sound like that last night," I look over my shoulder at her. "It actually sounded a lot like you didn't want me to ever stop," I watch as she shakes her head with a shy smile on her face. I smile to myself as I grab a t shirt and begin to pull it over my head, trying my best not to let the blanket fall until the material is covering my body. "No response, huh?" I joke as a reaction to her silence.

"I'm not used to you being the one who's brave with your words like that," she chuckles. "And you know you don't have to cover up when you get changed," she raises her eyebrows at me. "It's nothing I've never seen before," I feel my cheeks heat up a little and I narrow my eyes at her as she walks over to me, placing her hands delicately on my hips. "Now look at the one who isn't responding," she smiles triumphantly.

"Shut up," I dismiss, walking away from her grip while Stefania just laughs. "I'm going to go use the bathroom," I tell her.

"Okay bambina,"

Abby's POV

Upon waking up in the morning, I realize how little sleep I got last night. I am immediately hit with a wave of anxiety that I can't seem to shake. Not being able to fall asleep gave me time to think last night, and I know that I need help.

I drag myself up and out of bed, grab my phone off of it's charger and look at the time to see it's almost 10 a.m., meaning Danielle and Stefania are definitely awake by now. I open the bedroom door and quietly walk down the hallway to Danielle's room.

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