fifty two.

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"You're turn."

Abby's POV

Monday, February 23rd

"And she literally didn't say a single word to me the entire time." I say to Danielle, both of us sitting in my trailer at the end of the day on Monday. I'm telling her about how my mother and I went down to the courthouse yesterday for her to sign off on all the paperwork regarding the emancipation.

"You just have to think about the fact that she even agreed with this," Danielle tries to reason with me. "The fact that she's signing off on everything is gonna make this so much easier."

I feel myself getting anxious, not being able to stop thinking about all the "what if's" of the situation. What if Danielle is having second thoughts about having me live with her? What if she'd only want me to stay with her during the time that I'm shooting for Station 19, and then I'd have to go live on my own? What if this whole process doesn't even work in the first place?

"Abby," I hear her saying my name, but it sounds distant and I'm still lost in my thoughts. "Abby!" This time Danielle reaches over and grabs my forearm with her hand, jolting me back into reality. "Talk to me," she says quietly. "What are you thinking right now?"

"It's nothing," I dismiss, standing up from the couch and walking over to where my backpack is sitting on the table.

"Abby," Danielle stands up from the couch as well, walking over to me. "Come on, you were getting so good at letting me in...don't shut down now." She says in a quiet voice, bringing both of her hands up to hold my face. I feel my eyes quickly well with tears.

"I'm scared," I nearly whisper. Her face drops slightly and she immediately brings me in for a hug. I know this isn't the entirety of what I'm currently thinking, but I really don't want to talk about it right now.

"I am too," she says honestly. "But like I've said, I have a really good feeling about this." I pull away from her grip, wiping the tears from my eyes and turning around to walk away from her.

"Abby," she says, a slightly annoyed look on her face and grabs my arm to turn me around to face her again. I look at her with a similar annoyed face, not in the mood to talk about how I'm feeling right now. "I know there's more, what aren't you telling me?"

"Danielle," I whine, bringing one hand up to my forehead. "Just...not right now, please." I know I've been getting more comfortable with being extremely open with her recently, but that's part of the problem. I feel guilty, and almost insecure about this whole situation.

"What is up with you?" I can't tell if she sounds concerned or irritated.

Before I can say anything, there's a knock at my trailer door.

"I'll get it," she says quietly, sighing while walking over to the door, me flopping down onto the couch.

"Hi," Stefania appears in front of the doorway. "Sorry, I knew you were in here but they need you for something on set right now...they sent me to come find you." Danielle let's out another sigh and looks over at me.

"I'm fine," I say, quietly and emotionless.

"Okay," Danielle turns back to Stefania, talking in almost an annoyed tone. "Thank you, I'll go over now." She walks out of the trailer door without another word. I roll over on the couch, hiding my face in a pillow and thinking that Stefania would have left as well.

"Hey," I hear Stefania's quiet voice, and feel someone sitting down on the couch next to me. She places her hand on my leg, causing me to roll over again and look at her. She must have noticed my teary eyes and obviously the fact that I was just laying blankly on the couch, because her face was full of concern. I pull myself up to sit up straight next to her. "What's wrong bambina?" She asks me quietly, her hand still delicately placed on my leg.

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