fourty two.

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a/n: i uploaded the last chapter a lot later than i usually do yesterday, so double check to make sure you didn't miss that update:)))

Danielle's POV

Friday, December 26

"How are you feeling?" I ask Abby, walking into the living room with a bowl of hot soup. It's later in the evening now, and she's bundled up in sweats and two blankets.

"Terrible," she groans. I put my hand on her forehead after placing the bowl down on the table.

"You still feel hot, let me take your temperature again." I reach for the thermometer and she takes it in her mouth. When it beeps, I remove it and look down at the numbers. "It's the same as before," I tell her. "Having all those layers probably isn't helping," I note.

"But I'm cold," She groans.

"How about just one blanket?" I reason with her. She looks at me with sad eyes.

"Fine," she finally agrees, and throws one of the blankets across the couch.

"Will you try to eat some of this for me?" I ask, moving the bowl of soup to the edge of the table where she can reach more easily.

"You don't need to be taking care of me like this," She says, sitting up very slowly and reaching for the bowl. "I feel bad,"

"Don't feel bad," I assure her, grabbing the bowl and handing it to her when I see she's struggling to move that much. "I can't just leave you alone when you have the flu, or whatever this is." She looks down at the soup in her hands, staring at it, and not making a move to eat anything. "Are you okay?" I ask warily.

"I think I'm gonna throw up in a minute," she says, closing her eyes. I immediately take the bowl and put it back on the table.

"Come with me to the bathroom," I say, holding out my hand for her to grab. She reaches out and slowly stands up, and I help her walk into the bathroom. She sits down on the ground next to the toilet, and I grab a washcloth to wet.

"You don't have to stay in here," she says as I press the cool cloth to her forehead.

"I want to," I assure her.

"You want to sit in a bathroom with someone who's about to throw up?" She asks me, a weak smile coming across her face.

"You know what I mean," I laugh softly. "But I'm happy to see you smile," I tell her. "I haven't seen that face in hours."

Her face changes abruptly, and she sits up forward slightly, signaling to me that she's about to be sick. She leans over the toilet, and I quickly pull her hair back away from her face as she empties her stomach, which was already pretty empty from not eating anything all day.

"Here," I say, handing her a bottle of water once she sits back up. "Just take little sips, not too big." I instruct her. She doesn't say anything, but takes the water from me.

"Please leave," she says to me, very weakly. "You don't need to watch this."

"Hey," I rub her back. "I'm not going anywhere."

"But this is gross...I'm gross." She groans, bringing her hands up to cover her face.

"You're sick, you can't help it." I tell her, bringing her hands down away from her face. "Do you know how many times my friends have had to do this for me when I drank too much?" I laugh softly. I know she's probably a little embarrassed and uncomfortable right now.

I sit with her in the bathroom for another 20 minutes, and she gets sick one more time before deciding that she's fine and we both move back out to the living room.

"You're staying here with me until you get over this flu," I say to Abby, bringing her out more soup. "You need someone to take care of you,"

"Danielle, no, I've already been staying at your house all week I can't intrude any longer." She looks up at me with sad eyes.

"Abby, stop!" I exclaim, half laughing and half trying to be serious. I sit down next to her on the couch and put the bowl of soup on the table. "I want you here." I take her hands in mine, feeling how clammy she is. "I want you to be comfortable staying at my house, and I want to keep you out of your house as much as possible. I really don't like you being there because you and I both know that you aren't safe there." Abby doesn't say anything, she just continues to look at me sadly. Her whole face is pale but her cheeks are a little pink which makes my heart break for her even more. All I want right now is to do everything in my power to protect this girl.

Abby and I continue looking at each other in silence, and after a few moments she leans her body into my side. I put my arm around her and sit back so we're laying on the couch together, and she lets out a loud sigh as she puts her head on my shoulder.

"Are you okay?" I ask her, quietly.

"Yeah," she replies weakly. "I'm just thinking."

"About what?" She stays silent for a moment.

"About how I wish I could just run away from my house and never have to go back."

a/n: short and sweet:))

i hope you guys enjoyed these last couple of chapters...i saw a bunch of comments suggesting a chapter where Abby is sick and Danielle takes care of her:))

comment any other suggestions or ideas you guys have!! i love reading them

instagram: @nicolesanatomyy

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