Chapter 1 - Big Time Visit

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I was cleaning and reorganizing my room when I got a FaceTime call. I picked up my phone and read the caller ID, making me smile.

"Heeyyy." I said, placing my phone upright on my dresser as I continued to clean my room.

"Reorganizing again?" He asked, and I nodded, realizing where he was.

"Did you finally move in?" I asked, and he smiled.

"Yeah, you should come visit." He said, messing with something in the background.

"You know I don't have the money for that." I said, "I just bought my own place." I started putting all my clean clothes on my bed and all the dirty ones in a basket.

"Woah, stop." He said, and I froze.

"What?" I asked, turning to look at my phone.

"Is that his hoodie?" He asked, and I realized what he was pointing at.

"Yeah. . . Are you getting settled in good?" I changed the subject, not wanting to talk about it.

"Don't change the subject."

"I just did." I said, throwing more clothes on my bed.

"We have almost everything unpacked. If you came to visit you'd realize how much more fun it is here in L.A." He spun around in his chair like a little kid, and I rolled my eyes.

"I know what you're trying to do and it's not going to happen." I sighed, grabbing my phone and leaving my room.

"Oooh, do I get an official house tour?" He asked, and I laughed.

"No, I'm going to get something." I replied, and he sighed heavily.

"I guess since you're not going to come out to L.A., the plane ticket I bought is just gonna go to waste." He said, making me freeze in my tracks, before I looked down at my phone.

"The what now?"

"Oh nothing, you don't want to come anyway." He sighed, before a smile appeared on his face.

"You didn't." I said, but I couldn't hide my smile anymore.

"You want to come to L.A. now?" He asked, and as soon as those words left his mouth I screamed.

"I'm going to L.A.!"


I just left baggage claim, and I was heading towards the exit when I spotted the person that made it possible for me to come to L.A.

"James!" I exclaimed, rushing towards him with my bags.

"Hope." James smiled, and I dropped my bags before I hugged him. He picked me off the ground, spinning me around, before I heard a snap of a camera. "Shit." James mumbled, putting me down.

"What a great reunion." I sighed, noticing paparazzi in the distance.

"Let's go." James grabbed my hand and one of my bags, while I grabbed the other one and we rushed out of the building.

After getting through the big crowds and groups of people, we finally made it outside.

"James Maslow! We have a few questions for you!" I heard someone yell, and we ran towards his jeep.

"Are you having an affair?"

"Who are you with?"

The questions kept coming and coming, but we ignored them as we jumped into the car. We threw my suitcases in the back, before he started his car up and locked the doors.

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