Chapter 3 - Big Time Talk

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I've been at the guys's house for a week and I didn't know how long James wanted me to stay.

It was almost noon and I walked downstairs to see the house empty.

Must be with their girlfriends.

I ignored the thought of Logan hooking up with another girl, as I headed for the kitchen. I grabbed an apple off the counter and screamed when I turned around.

"Stop scaring me!" I exclaimed, picking the apple up off the floor that I accidentally dropped.

"It's not my fault you get scared so easily." Logan said, leaning against the counter as I rinsed the apple off.

"What do you want?" I asked, taking a bite of the apple as I headed towards the living room with him following me.

"I want to talk." He sat down on the opposite side of the couch as me, and I rolled my eyes.

"You are right now." I sassed and he scoffed.

"Still a smart ass I see."

"Still a douche I see." I snapped back, annoyed.

"Can we please talk?" He asked, leaning forwards and placing his chin in his palm.

"If you make it quick." I sighed, taking another bite out of the apple.

"Look, I'm sorry. I didn't see your point of view of our relationship-"

"Can we not talk about this?" I asked, feeling my heart race.

"Please let me talk about this." He said, and I nodded, looking away from him. "I was young and I was stupid."

"You still are." I mumbled, and I didn't expect him to hear it but with the sigh that came afterwards I realized he did.

"Look, I know I'm stupid. I'm fucked up. I'm a dick. Anything you want to call me, I know. Trust me, I do. I was scared back then." He admitted, and I looked at him.

"Scared of what?" I questioned, and he looked away from me.

"I was scared of getting hurt." He said and I scoffed.

"So you hurt me first? You decided to cheat on me because you didn't want to get hurt? You're more selfish than I thought." My voice cracked and I stood up.

"No, please, listen to me." He stood up and grabbed my wrist.

"Don't touch me! Who knows where your hands have been just today." I tried to get my wrist out of his grip but he turned me so I could look at him.

"Please, please listen to me." He pleaded and I shook my head, trying to hold back the tears I've held in for so long.

"I think I've heard enough." I said, before I started breathing heavier, thinking of the way I caught him cheating on me. Before I knew it tears were streaming down my face and I could barely breathe.

"Look at me, just breathe. Hope, breathe." Logan said, grabbing my face in his hands, but I couldn't.

I was having a panic attack and I couldn't stop it.

Everything was blurry, but I felt his lips against mine, and I don't know how, but it was helping.

He pulled away after a few moments, wiping my tears away as I took a few deep breaths.

"Are you okay now?" He asked, looking me in the eyes. I slowly nodded, wiping the rest of my tears away.

"Do you do that with every girl who has a panic attack around you?" I asked, and he shook his head.

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