Chapter 17 - Big Time Mistake

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I felt arms around me when I slowly awoke, and I got confused. "Logan?" I questioned, but there was no response. I went to sit up, before realizing I only had underwear and a T-shirt on. My eyes widened, before I quickly sat up, looking at the person next to me. "Oh, shit, shit, shit!" I whisper yelled, quickly climbing out of the bed and grabbing my shorts.

As I was pulling them on I heard a voice. "Leaving already?" They asked, their voice raspy from slumber.

"Yeah, uhm, last night might've been fun, but it was a mistake." I said and he laughed.

"Don't worry. We didn't have sex." He said, sitting up to look at me.

"We didn't?" I asked and he shook his head. "Then why am I wearing this?" I asked, pointing to a shirt that must've been his because it definitely wasn't mine.

"You were uncomfortable in what you were wearing. Don't worry, although you seemed fine with getting dressed in front of me, I looked away." He said, and I nodded.

"Why were we sleeping together then?"

"This is my bed after all, and I wasn't sleeping on the ground." He said and I nodded again. "Wait, you're Hope Allaband, right? Dating the infamous Logan Henderson?" He asked and I nodded.

"What do you mean by 'infamous'?" I asked, and he chuckled.

"He lost a lot of fans when they figured out how he treats women. A lot of people feel bad for you, you know."


"The way he gets with a new one almost every night. Some people say they've seen him with someone else while you've been together." He said and I sighed.

It must've been when I wasn't even here or around any of them.

"He's changed." I stated, looking at him.

"People like that don't change. You out of everyone should know."

"What do you-" Before I could finish there was a hand over my mouth. I tried prying it off, but I slowly started to get dizzy as the hand didn't budge.

"It's nice to see you again, Hope. It's not very nice to see your slutty self didn't change one bit." A familiar voice rang through my ear as a pair of lips were placed very close to my head.

Everything slowly started to go black as my eyes started to flicker closed.

My eyes slowly opened and I started to squirm as I felt my arms tied above me with chains and my mouth gagged with a rag. I tried to scream, but barely any noise came out until I heard footsteps coming my way.

"Oh, good. You're awake." He said, and my eyes widened as my eyes met the icy blue ones I've feared for a long time. His light blonde hair fell into his eyes and he smirked as he watched me. "Miss me?" He asked, but I couldn't respond, instead I started to squirm more, feeling my wrists burn to the touch of the metal rubbing against them.

"Hmmmm! Hmmm mmm!" I tried yelling, but it didn't come out the way it was suppose to as he stepped closer to me.

"Now, there's no need to scream. Everything's going to be alright." He said, but I shook my head, feeling tears form in my eyes as he started to touch me. He started to kiss my neck and without thinking I kneed him in the crotch. "Shit!" He pulled away from me to grab that area. "You bitch!" He yelled, before slapping me across the face. "You're gonna regret that." He glared at me before shaking his head and walking out of the room.

I tried yelling more, until my throat got raw and I started to cry. The guy brunette guy walked into the room but I ignored him.

"Look, I'm sorry. I didn't want to have to do this to you, but if I don't listen to him, he'll kill me." He said, and I shook my head.

"Mmmm." Was all he could here but I was trying to cuss him out. He sighed, looking around before he pulled the rag out of my mouth.

"Please don't scream, it won't be good for either of us." He said, and I just looked at him.

"Why don't you just leave? You're not tied down." I asked, my voice raspy and quiet from trying to scream for help.

"Because like I said, he'd kill me. He'd hunt me down, just like he did with you, then kill me." He said and I nodded before feeling light headed.

"I still hate you though." I said and he nodded.

"I understand." He said, before we both heard Jacks voice. He quickly stuffed the rag in my mouth again, making sure it was tight around my head, and I choked on it before seeing Jack again.

"What are you doing down here?" He asked, eying the brunette then me.

"I was just about to do what you asked." The stranger replied, and he nodded.

"Then why isn't she undressed yet?" He asked and my eyes widened at I looked at the brunette.

"I'll do it right now." He said, and Jack nodded.

"Good. Hurry up then." Jack said, before heading back up the stairs.

"I'm sorry." The stranger said, before coming towards me.

"Uh uhh. Mmm." I tried to squirm as he grabbed my shorts, but his grip wouldn't budge.

"I don't like this anymore than you do. So just stop squirming and let me get this done and over with." He whisper yelled, but I shook my head.

"Uh uh. Uh uh." I kept saying, but he started to undo my shorts.

"I'm sorry."

*Logan's POV*

"What the hell do you mean shes 'gone'?" I asked, standing up on my crutches to look at the woman in front of me who had tears in her eyes.

"Sh- she left with someone last night and I haven't seen her since. She won't answer her phone either." Caitlins voice was wavy, and James stood up to give her a hug.

"Why the hell are you hugging her? Hopes gone and she doesn't know where she is!" I started to get upset, and I shook my head. "I'm going to look for her." I said, hopping to the kitchen and towards my keys.

"You can't drive." Carlos said, coming to stop me.

"Bullshit. If Hopes in danger I'll do anything it takes to help her. Plus it's my left foot, I'll be fine." I said, pushing past him.

"Have you called in a missing person report?" Kendall asked, standing up off of the couch too.

"I tried, but since she's 22 they can't do anything about it until she's missing for longer than 24 hours." Caitlin explained, and I turned around to face her.

"Then we have to find her ourselves! We can't just sit around on our asses and do absolutely nothing! I'll report her missing again if I have to, if that's what it takes for others to look for her. We need to get as many people together as we can to look for her! And I won't stop until we find her." I said, and they all nodded.

"You can't go you there right now though. We need a plan." James said, and I shook my head.

"You guys can make a plan. I'm looking for her now." I said, turning towards the door.

"Logan, man, look, I want to find her just as much as you do. You know I do. But you can't go out there with no plan and no idea where to look! That will just waste time." Jame said, and I shook my head.

"No, sitting around here and waiting to come up with a plan is wasting time. You guys can come up with a plan, but I'm leaving now and I'm not coming back until I've found her."

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