Chapter Twelve: Dancing Lessons

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Tuesday, March 8, 1927. Georgetown, New York. 

"But I don't know how to dance!" John protested.

"Well neither does Alexander," Aaron told him. "And I have to instruct Beth, so one of you has to learn."

"Is dancing with me really that awful?" Beth asked, she had been silent until now, watching them argue. 

"No, of course no," John replied. "It's more the dancing part that bothers me." 

Aaron gave him a look, and John sighed, moving until he was facing Beth.

"Now, Beth," Aaron instructed. "Put your right arm around John, and John, put your left arm around Beth."

They did, then stood there in an awkward half hug, Beth's head nearly resting on John's chest.

"Hold out your other arms,"

Beth and John did as they were told, and Aaron placed Beth's hand into his. 

"Ok, good," Aaron flashed them a thumbs up. "Now, I'm going to count, and you two are going to take a step forward, and then a step back."

Aaron started counting, and John and Beth started dancing, if it could be called that. After only a few steps, John stepped a little too far forward and brought his boot down right on Beth's foot. She squeaked in pain and glared at him.

John opened his mouth, but before he could say anything, Aaron shook his head. "Just keep going. You can't stop in the middle of a dance, someone will run into you," He continued counting, and not wanting to miss a beat, Beth stepped forward. 

John clearly had other ideas though, because he didn't move. Beth kicked him lightly to get him to move. It was fair, since he had stepped on her foot. 

"Hey!" John yelled, letting go of her hands and taking a step back. 

Aaron sighed and massaged the bridge of his nose. "Alexander, get over here?"

"But I don't know how to dance," Alex said, not moving from his spot in the corner of the room. 

"Well guess what, you get to learn!" Aaron told him, forcing some enthusiasm into his voice. "You're less clumsy than John, anyway."

"Why don't you dance with Beth if you want her to learn so badly?" Alex asked, but he stood up and came over nonetheless. 

"Alright," Aaron pushed them together. "One two three. One two three."

They took several smooth back and forth steps, Beth staring at Alex's shirt because she knew she would blush if she looked him in the eye. Why oh why did she have to feel this way around him?

"Good," Aaron nodded and gave a genuine smile. "Now try turning in a circle as you step,"

Soon, they were moving in smooth circles as the other two boys watched and kept time for them. Something about the dance was familiar to Beth, though she couldn't put her finger on it. She was almost positive she had never danced before, considering how foreign the motions felt, but could she have seen other people dance once, long ago, at a winter's ball.

Alex broke through her reverie by putting his hands on Beth's waist and swinging her around. She gasped in surprise, but then they both dissolved into giggles, letting the awkwardness of the whole situation become funny. She had never noticed it before, but Alex was adorable when he laughed.

"Slower. Slower!" Aaron instructed them, shaking his head. "This is a court ritual, not your high school dance."

They returned to the slower motion that this dance was apparently supposed to be. Beth was still in a good mood, so she looked up and met Alex's blue violet eyes. He smiled down at her, not his normal teasing smile, but a soft, sweet one. 

Beth's heart fluttered and heat rushed to her cheeks. She stopped dead in her tracks, trying to decide what to do. How do you respond to something that might not mean anything at all, might just be Alex being friendly. Finally, she smiled back, trying to mirror his expression. 

Alex blushed and looked away, and powerful emotions bubbled in Beth's chest. The cool internal part of her sighed. She was helpless, and that wasn't necessarily a good thing. 

"Alright, that was great!" Aaron exclaimed, grabbing Beth's forearm and pulling her away from Alex. "We have only just begun though, there's so much more to learn."


Several days later, Aaron finally decided they were done with dancing lessons. Alex, however, wasn't as convinced of her knowledge of Schuyler family history. 

"Alright!" Alex clapped his hands. "As many facts as you can in one minute, go!"

Beth cleared her throat and recited. "I was born in a palace by the sea, Aunt Cortlandt wore feathered hats, my cousin drank, the duke was short, Uncle Stephen has a cat, my horse's name was Romeo, now tell me something new."

"Beautiful!" Alex grinned at her and Beth's heart fluttered again, but she ignored it. He wasn't calling you beautiful, silly, he was complimenting your knowledge. 

"See," John said. "You can learn to do it."

Aaron nodded. "Looks like we're ready to get out of here."

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