Author's Note

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This story is posted only on Wattpad. If you are reading it somewhere else it has been posted there without my consent. Kindly seek out the original instead and know that the website you are using may not be safe.

Disclaimer: Neither Hamilton: An American Musical nor any form of Anastasia belong to me, and I'm not claiming they do. All of the non-quote material in this work does belong to me, and you may not claim it as your own. This is a work of fanfiction from which I will not be making any money. 


-Mentions of guns, gun violence and murder (and murder-adjacent subjects like blood) throughout and some scenes of it in a few chapters. Nothing too gory though. 

-There's period typical (1920's) classism throughout, and a little bit of period-typical sexism, and period typical attitudes to perceived mental illness (Alexander describes Eliza's amnesia as  her being "crazy").  

-Anything more specific I will mention at the beginning of the relevant chapter, though I don't think there should be anything else. 

Ok, now that that's out of the way, I've got a few more things to tell you all:

This AU is mostly based on Anastasia the musical, and as such will contain spoilers for the plot.  It's a combination of both the on-Broadway and off-Broadway versions, so if you don't remember something happening, that might be why. I have also included a few scenes from the 1997 animated movie to fill in gaps and/or because I liked them. No knowledge of Anastasia in any form is required to read this fic, though it would probably enhance your experience. You could probably read it without Hamilton knowledge as well, but I would not recommend it. 

Characters who appear in the musical will have their musical appearances for the most part. The only exceptions are Angelica and Eliza (because I wanted them to all look alike and didn't feel like any of the "why the sisters are different races" explanations really worked for this AU) and Alexander (because historical Alexander > Lin Manuel-Miranda as Alexander (No hate to Lin though))

I will not stand for hate comments, but constructive criticism is perfectly acceptable. I'm willing to learn and I'd like to know if there's any plot holes or other errors. I am aware, however, that my portrayal of amnesia is far from accurate. I'm taking my cues from the musical on this one, so if you want to be angry, be angry with Lynn Ahrens, Stephen Flaherty, and Terrance McNally, not me. 

I know author's notes annoy people, so I'll try to keep them to the absolute minimum. There will, however, be historical notes at the end of a fair amount of the chapters that provide historical explanations for my AU decisions. Feel free to skip these if they aren't your thing. Unfortunately, I forgot to save a lot of my sources when writing the first draft, so you'll just have to take my word for things.  I did use Wikipedia for the Schuyler family tree, because they have it all nice and neat and I'm not buying the book just to write a fanfiction.

The Lost Princess [Hamliza Anastasia AU]Where stories live. Discover now