Chapter Twenty Nine: Two Pints Of....John Hancock?

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Hey everyone! I know it's been *checks notes* almost seven months since I updated this fic, and I'm so incredibly sorry. I feel attention seeking writing out a long explanation, especially since most of you probably do not care what the heck is going on in my personal life, so I'll just give you the absolute bare minimum since I think anyone who's still here does deserve an explanation. This past school year, I was taking a pretty heavy course load (multiple AP classes for any other Americans), and I simply didn't have the time or energy to work on this fic a lot of days, and after a while it got to the point where I felt so guilty about not updating that it was easier to pretend that this fic just didn't exist. I was planning to come back to in June because I really am passionate about this fic, but that didn't happen for a couple reasons. In the last two and a half months, I got slammed with AP Exams and Finals, a classmate sexually harassing me, my cat dying extremely unexpectedly, and the revelation that someone I thought was a close friend had actually been lying to and using me for more than a year, so I wasn't exactly in a great headspace to work on this fic. I'd been really considering coming back to it for about a week now, and the stars just aligned yesterday, because I got a notification from Wattpad about marking this story complete on a day that I would usually update, so I just decided "screw it, I'm going to publish chapter 29 and we'll go from there" and then promptly fell asleep, so here we are today. I will try my best to stick to the weekly schedule, and we'll cross the school bridge when we come to it, though I do not intend to go on accidental hiatus for most of it this time. TLDR: I'm sorry, enjoy this chapter!

Thursday, March 10, 1927. Toms River,  New Jersey

It wasn't yet night, it was closer to noon actually, but still, the sky was dark. The air was thick and heavy, and smelled of water, and although none of them said it, they all knew they had to hurry. 

Each distant rumble of thunder gave Beth a chill. Partially because she was scared of being on an open road during a thunderstorm, and partially because the sound triggered memories. The hazy shapes were indistinguishable, but the feelings that came with them were clear. Panic, despair, and devastation

Suddenly there was a clatter and a yelp from behind her. Beth stopped her bike and turned. 

John had dismounted from his bike, and was standing in the road. His dirty blonde curls were stuck to his forehead, with sweat or humidity she couldn't tell, and he reached down to rub one of his calves with a look of pain on his face. "Alex, wait!" John called. His voice was strong despite his obvious struggle to catch his breath. 

Alex swung back around and came back to check on his friend,concern in his eyes. It was sweet the way he did that. Beth didn't see it often because of his tendency to rush into things, but he really could be a good leader in addition to a good friend. 

"Beth can't go any further," John gasped, pointing at her as if she were the one almost on her knees in the street. Beth crossed her arms and eyed him. She had walked from Buffalo to Georgetown, a four hour bike ride didn't scare her one bit. 

"Tom's River is only ten minutes away," Alex encouraged him, pointing to a small road sign. "We can make it there."

Without warning, a bright flash of lightning lit up the sky above their heads. It was followed by a boom of thunder so loud Beth was sure the earth shook along with her knees. Rain began to fall in heavy drops, and without hesitation, John jumped back on his bike and they all pedaled frantically after Aaron, who had taken refuge under a tree just up ahead. 

Before long, the lights of the town began to come into sight through the downpour. Seeing them encouraged Beth to go even faster. Apparently the others shared her relief, because John whooped in jubilation, and Alex breathed a quiet "Finally,"

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