Chap 31: happy endings

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*1 month later*
It's been a month since I was out of hospital and I'm not going to lie Ryder and I did the dirty. School was weird but slowly got back to normal as Ryder always made sure I was okay since I had to use crutches for a while but I got them off last week and thank god my leg was so itchy.

But today Ryder was taking me on a date and told me to dress casual which was a white long sleeved shirt and denim skinny jeans with ankle high brown boots and my hair down. I was waiting for Ryder to pick me up as I was ready early. I decided to watch TV when Sesame Street came on and I just left it on there.

*knock knock*

There was a knock at the door and I turned the TV off as I walked over to the door and opened it to see Ryder smiling at me as I returned the smile.

"You look beautiful as always" he said as I walked out and shut the door so I was facing him.

"You don't look so bad yourself" I said as he pecked my lips.

"We should get going before it gets dark" he said yeah he planed out date for the afternoon weird. We walked to his car and he opened the door for me as I thanked him and hopped in as he shut the door and ran to his side before he hopped in and started driving off.

He intertwined our hands and kept on hand on the steering wheel. The radio was on quietly as the music played through the car and we just jammed out to the music and enjoying the car ride.

Soon enough we pulled up to a old drive in which surprised me since I haven't been to one of these since I was little and it was still working. We drove in and Ryder brought us our movie ticket as we drove in and got a good car spot as he hooked up the radio and turned the car off as he turned to me and smiled.

"How did you find this place?" I asked.

"Moms friend" he replied as I nodded.

"Well this is frecken cool as" I replied as I looked out the front window to the massive white screen.

"Do you wanna get some food and drinks before the movie starts?" He asked as I nodded and we hopped out before he locked the car and intertwined our hands as we walked to the shop in the middle of the two massive screens.

Once we walked in there it was like food heaven and we walked around and got what we wanted which was a lot. We ended up getting a jumbo popcorn, two jumbo drinks, chips, lollies and chocolate. We walked back to the car after pay for it and Ryder made me hold most of the food so 1. I couldn't eat it and 2. So he could open the car so we could get in.

"I think that's enough food for the movie don't you?" Ryder asked as I put a popcorn in my mouth and nodded.

"Yep and if not we can always go back in" I replied as he laughed and we turned the car on but so it was only the radio and not the whole car.

"I think by the time we finish all this the movie will be over and if your still hungry we can get maccas after" he said as I smiled.

"Yes this is probably the kooliest date you've taken me on" I said as he smiled and I looked at him as he connected our lips and he cupped my face as we soon pulled away and smiled at each other.

"I'm glad you like it and since its a cold night you can cuddle with me" he said with a wink at the end as I laughed.

"But what if I don't get cold?" I asked.

"You can still cuddle with me" he replied as the sky became dark and the movie began to play as I leaned on his shoulder while eating.

The movie we deiced to watch was despicable me since we both loved the minions. Plus it was a good movie so why not and it makes me feel like a little kid again when I watch kid movies.

I can't believe I would be sitting here in a drive in on at date with Ryder Phillips. He use to be the biggest player in school and use girls like trash but he smoked as well but ever since we got paired for the english work we became close and he stopped doing girls and smoking.

It's weird what someone can do to you over time at first you don't really see eye to eye but then you fall in love with them and so much happens. It's weird but I wouldn't regret anything or change anything because right now sitting here with Ryder on a date at the drive ins is perfect.

I looked up to see him so focused on the movie as I smiled how did me the nerd end up with Ryder the schools bad boy.

If you told me that Ryder could keep a secret I wouldn't believe but now if you told me I would believe you because ever since I told him my secret he hasn't told anyone even though they all know from the accident now he still kept it which meant a lot to me. I still race but this time I'm in the big leagues with my dads race car and Ryder races with me some times it's cool.

I didn't realise that Ryder looked at me and smiled until he locked my nose with his finger.

"The movie is that way" he said pointing to the screen as it played the movie.

"I know" I replied as he looked at me confused.

"Then why does my handsome face have all the attention and not the movie?" He asked as I smiled.

"Because I'm just so happy right now to have you as my boyfriend" I replied as he smiled and pecked my lips.

"I love you" he said as I grabbed some popcorn and leaned in before I put it in his mouth.

"I love you too" I replied as we both laughed.

"I have something for you" he said as I looked at him confused and he pulled something out of his pocket.

"The doctors gave it to me when you went into surgery and I forgot to give it back" he said as I looked to see his necklace he got me as I smiled and he put it on as I pecked his lips and I knew that right now in this moment I was so happy to call Ryder phillips mine.

🙊🙈🙉hiya guys so this is the last chapter of the book I hope you liked it and I will have another book out soon but I hope you liked Eleanor's and Ryder's journey.

THANKYOU to everyone who took time out of their lives to read this book it means a lot to me and to the people who comment and vote THANKYOU THANKYOU THANKYOU it helps me so much to know what you guys think of my book and if you like them or not.

I can't believe this book is coming to an end but it was a good journey and I hope you all enjoyed it for the last time please vote and comment and hopefully I'll see you on my other books over and out.🙊🙈🙉

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