Bleeding Through

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The next morning—when I woke up—Bae had already left to go and see Emma and Henry. As happy as I was that Henry and Bae were getting more time together, I was slightly sad that I didn't really see him as much. Well, unless you count the common occurrence of us both going through to get a midnight snack at the same time.

As I pondered everything, I heard my front door open and when I turned, I was surprised to see Bae walking in, a look of frustration on his face

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As I pondered everything, I heard my front door open and when I turned, I was surprised to see Bae walking in, a look of frustration on his face.

"Coffee?" I offered, holding up the kettle I was holding.

"Please," Bae nodded, coming over and sitting on the stool at the island.

"Why aren't you with Emma and Henry? I thought you guys were going to Granny's for breakfast," I asked, pouring him out a drink.

"Erm, we just had a change of plan. Apparently Henry was tired," Bae answered, but as his twin, I could tell he was lying, though I decided not to push it.

"Oh, well. Maybe this is a good thing," I said, turning around with his drink. "Maybe it's the Universe telling you that you should spend time with your favourite person in the whole world."

"That's what I tried to do but it didn't work out," Bae teased, making me dramatically sigh and place a hand over my heart.

"Ouch, that was brutal," I commented, handing him his drink.

We fell into a silence as I poured out my own drink.

"I can't believe we missed so much," Bae suddenly said, making me look over at him in confusion.

"Missed so much what?" I asked.

"Of each other's lives. Before you found me in New York the last time we had seen each other was when we were, what... fourteen? And then now we've grown up," Bae explained.

"But we're together now, and that's all that matters," I said, going over and holding onto his hands. "And when we get Papa back and Henry's memories, we'll be a family."

"I'd like that," Bae smiled and I smiled back before his face fell into a cruel smirk. "And here was me thinking it would be more difficult than this."

I let go of Bae's hands and took a few steps back, realisation hitting me.

"Zelena," I muttered.

Disappearing in a poof of green smoke, where Bae had once sat, Zelena now sat there a smirk on her face.

"I must admit, you make good coffee," Zelena complimented. "Didn't get this luxury from Regina."

"What do you want?" I asked, getting straight down to the point.

"This is cute," Zelena ignored my last comment, now picking up a photo I had of me and Bae from New York.

"And it's not yours," I said, walking over to her and taking it from her hands.

Dark One's Daughter *Book Three*Where stories live. Discover now