Lost Girl

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After our conversation, Jones and I caught up with the others and started our journey into the heart of Neverland. At the front of the group was David and Jones, in the middle was Regina and me and then just behind us was Emma and Mary Margaret. The gap between the bushes was small so we were having to walk through it all in a straight single line.

"The ridge is just a few hundred paces up ahead," Jones told us, as he held a branch out of the way for Regina and me.

"You really think we're gonna be able to see Pan's hideout?" Emma asked.

"From there, we should be able to see everything, including where he's keeping your son," Jones assured her.

"You know, I could have just poofed us up here in an instant," Regina commented.

"Where?" Jones challenged her. "Have you any idea what's up here or anywhere? There are dangers all about. Only I can guide us past them."

"He's right. Jones has lived here before. If he says hiking is the best way, then we listen," I agreed.

At the front of our little group, David was hitting branches out of the way with his sword. But just as he was about to hit another bush, Jones caught David's arm with his hook.

"No. No!" Jones warned him.

"I can handle a couple of thorns," David assured him.

"That's dreamshade," Jones told him. "It's not the thorns you have to worry about. It's the poison they inject you with. This plant is the source of the toxins I used on the Dark One."

"You mean the poison that almost killed my father?" I asked.

"Indeed," Jones confirmed. "I used a concentrated dose. In its natural form, death would be much slower and far more painful. I suggest we go this way." He gestured to the right.

"We'll go this way," David countered, pointing to the left with his sword.

David started to walk the opposite way that Jones had suggested which made me slightly nervous, as although David was a great fighter, Neverland was filled with beasts and creatures he had probably never even heard of. If Jones said to go right, we probably should have.

He moved over to the side so the others could get passed and as Emma and I started walking behind Mary Margaret, Jones joined the line.

"Your father's a distrustful fellow," Jones commented, as Emma walked past him.

"He's just not used to working with the bad guys," Emma replied.

"I can assure you, on this island, I am not the bad guy," Jones assured her.

"Yeah, well, Pan's not supposed to be one either," Emma countered as we reached a wider path so she moved herself so we were walking side by side.

"What possibly gave you that idea?" Jones asked.

"Every story I ever heard as a child," Emma answered.

"Well, they got it wrong. Pan is the most treacherous villain I've ever faced," Jones said.

Clearly having enough, Emma rolled her eyes and walked just ahead of us.

"Tell me something, luv," Jones continued, rushing over next to me. "In these stories... what was I like? Other than a villain. Handsome, I gather."

"If waxed moustaches and perms are your thing," I replied.

"I take it by your tone, perms are bad?" Jones guessed.

"I'll tell you what. If we get off this island alive, I'll show you the film they made of you and you can decide for yourself," I offered.

"A what?" Jones asked.

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