There's No Place Like Home {3}

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Just like every other time we had found ourselves flying through a portal, a sensation I was becoming all too familiar with, when we reached our final destination, we landed roughly in a heap of clothes on the firm ground. This time we ended up inside the barn where we had fallen through in the first place but as Emma came flying through last, the golden beam of light disappeared leaving us in the cool evening silence.

"Oh, God," Emma groaned, as we all tried to get back onto our feet. Even though I still had my doubts about the woman we had brought back, I knew that we had little to no other choice. "Do me a favour, Hook and fill her in. Make sure she doesn't freak out."

"And where are you going?" Killian asked.

"I have some people I need to see," Emma answered with a smile.

"I don't suppose you want me to poof us there. You know, speed up the journey," I offered.

"Please," Emma nodded, holding out her hand.

"See you later," I said to Killian, who nodded before walking back over to the woman.

I took Emma's outstretched hand and magicked us to outside of Granny's, hoping that time hadn't moved on since we left so everyone would still be there. Luckily, that is exactly where they were.

Emma practically ran through the doors of Granny's, and while I didn't walk as quickly, I was pretty eager to see my family again. When I got into the diner, I saw Bae pacing back and forth, ignoring Papa's attempts to calm him.

"Better stop that pacing, you're gonna make us all seasick," I spoke up, making Bae look up at me.

"Amie, I'm sorry," Bae immediately apologised, rushing forward, and giving me a tight hug. "I didn't think about what I was saying and then you weren't answering your phone and neither was Emma so I thought something happened to you."

"You know, you're kind of crushing my ribs," I told him, despite the fact I was struggling to breath.

"Sorry," Bae apologised, pulling away.

I then looked over at Papa and Belle who were sat at the table beside us. Belle was watching us with a small smile, while Papa was looking at me thoughtfully, clearly already knowing that something had happened.

"Promise me one thing Papa," I requested, focusing on him before taking Belle's hand. "Don't ever let Belle go."

Belle laughed quietly as she brought me into a sideways hug. After seeing Snow and Charming's love get disrupted and seeing how Belle and my father used to be, I never wanted to see them have to go through that again.

"I don't think he could even if he wanted to," Belle smiled.

"It's a good job I'll never want to then," Papa replied with a smile, watching Belle with admiration in his eyes.

"Good. Because you'll have to deal with me if you do," I warned him.

"And me," Bae added in, bringing over two chairs for us to sit in.

"Now... Amie. I have a feeling there's something you want to tell us," Papa said, making me smile at him.

"It's as if you read my mind," I replied.

I proceeded to tell Belle, Papa, and Bae all about what had happened. I started with the fact that we had fallen through Zelena's time portal and then disrupted the timeline, meeting many obstacles on the way. But eventually we had managed to sort it out.

"Wait, wait, wait. So you're telling me that you had a conversation with your past self?" Bae asked, his mouth practically hanging open from the story.

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