The Heart of the Truest Believer

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As if my life depended on it, I clung onto a nearby rope and tried not to let go as we spun through the portal. The portal that was gonna lead us to Henry, to Neverland. It felt like we were spinning for hours but a little while later the twirling stopped and we soared into the air before landing elegantly on the flat ocean.

Darkness was all around us and there was a cool, unwelcome breeze rustling every inch of the sails. A few splashes of water hitting the ship reflected onto us, sending shivers down my spine.

As if realising where we finally were, everyone remained silent and looked over at the deadly island in front of us.

"Is that it?" Emma asked, finally breaking the uneasy silence.

"Aye. Neverland," Jones confirmed.

Now that we had settled and Jones had the ship under control, everyone broke off onto their own to think. I started pacing around the top part of the ship, trying to come up with a way to save my nephew without having to go anywhere near him. Although that probably wasn't possible when the whole island was his bloody trap.

I guess we could all split off and confuse—no, that would never work. We'd need to make sure he didn't even know we were here. But how? We hide out, wait till he has gone, then run in and take Henry back. Again, won't work. He could easily come back and catch us. But how do we even leave Neverland when we get him back?

"Amie, dear," Jones' voice said, pulling me away from my thoughts. He was casually steering the helm of the ship. "Your pacing is putting everyone on edge. It's even making me feel seasick."

I looked over at the others and saw that they had actually been watching me.

"Sorry," I muttered.

I turned back to look at the island and tried to mentally plot out a plan. But it was so dark that I couldn't see any entrances that could get us secretly onto the island.

"Ok, that's it," Jones said before I felt a hand on my shoulder. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing's wrong. Nothing apart from the fact that my nephew has been kidnapped by the most evil person that I have ever met and that I feel totally useless in figuring out a way to get him back. Otherwise I'm absolutely fine," I told him.

"You wanna do something useful?" Jones asked, making me nod.

He hesitated for a moment before leading me over to the wheel. I looked up at him blankly so he took my right hand and placed it on the wheel.

"When your brother was aboard my ship many years ago, I taught him how to sail. And now..." He placed my left hand on the wheel as well. "I am going to teach you."

"This is your idea of doing something useful?" I scoffed.

"Think of it more as a way to pass the time," He shrugged. "Now... the left side is called 'port'. And the right side is called 'starboard'. Now... go two notches to port." I looked at him as if he were insane. "Go on."

Realising that I would have to do it, I turned the wheel so that two of the notches passed me over to the left. Jones chuckled and rested his hand on my shoulder.

"Well done, Amie. You've got the sea in your blood," He smiled at me. I smiled slightly to myself. "Baelfire had it, too."

"I know. I've seen it before," I told him. "When you paid us a little visit in New York, we stole your ship and Bae captained it."

"So that's how it got back to Storybrooke?" Jones chuckled.

"He was very good at it, actually," I remembered.

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