Quite a Common Fairy

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Determination running through every single one of us, as soon as we had looked at the map one more time, we were off. As exciting as it all was that we now had a way to find Henry, I couldn't help but think that it had all been too easy.

I didn't voice these thoughts as I didn't want to bring everyone down. It was just a suspicion that I had.

"How much further?" Regina's voice broke me from my thoughts as we continued our journey through the endless forest of trees.

"We should be getting close to Pan's lair," Emma told us as she was carrying the map. "Going in a straight-line course..." We all stopped while Emma took out the map.

Emma looked down at it for a minute before she gasped.

"Son-of-a..." She trailed off before looking over at Jones. "How is it now behind us?"

"How can that be?" Mary Margaret asked.

"You got us lost," Regina commented, clearly annoyed.

"No, she didn't," Jones defended. "It's the camp. Pan's moving it."

"He's playing tricks on us," I muttered.

"If Pan's camp keeps moving, how are we gonna find Henry?" Emma asked us.

Neither Jones nor I had an answer for that making Emma sigh in frustration.

"So this whole trek has been for nothing," Emma said.

"At least you got a good bit of exercise," I countered, trying to lighten the mood but instead I just received several glares from Regina and Emma.

"I told you that walking was idiotic. If I can just use some magic, we can materialise in the camp and grab Henry," Regina said, making me roll my eyes.

"We don't know where the camp is. Have you even been listening?" Mary Margaret asked.

"Pan will have shields against magic. I fear such an attempt would end in your death, and, more importantly, mine. Which is why we're walking," Jones scolded Regina.

"Well, then what's your idea?" Regina asked. "How are we going to find it?"

"By using someone he trusts," Jones said, making me look at him in confusion. I didn't know a single person that Pan trusted.

"Who?" David asked, voicing all our thoughts. "Because I guess he certainly doesn't trust you or Tash."

"A fairy who lived here when I was about. She might still be on the island," Jones suggested. "She'd be an inside source. Knows all about the camp, and can get us in. She might even have some pixie dust left. Perhaps we could fly in."

"You mean fairy dust," Emma countered.

"No, pixie dust. It's stronger," I corrected her. "Like nuclear fairy dust."

"Wait. A fairy... Tinkerbell?" Emma asked after a moment.

"Oh, you know her?" Jones asked shocked.

"Every kid in the world... knows her," Emma scoffed.

"It's a bad idea," Regina interrupted our brainstorming. "Mark my words. This Tinkerbell is not going to save us."

I tilted my head at Regina and looked at her intently. My guess is that Regina and Tinkerbell have a complicated past.


Ignoring Regina's protests, we all continued to follow Jones to where Tinkerbell supposedly lived. I was walking at the back with Regina when she grabbed my arm.

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