It's Not Easy Being Green

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The next morning, as I woke up, I remembered exactly what had happened last night between Jones and me. Did I regret it? No, not really. And that was the truth. I smiled softly to myself as I rolled over and shut my eyes again. As my mind started to wander back off into its dreaming state, the sudden scent of pancakes wafted into my room through the gap in my door. It was accompanied by the distant sound of Bae singing to himself.

Curious, I grabbed my robe and wrapped it around myself before walking out into the living room. The scent was even stronger in there and I could now actually identify what music was playing. As I entered the kitchen, I saw Bae bopping along to 'I Wanna Dance with Somebody'.

I quietly crept further into the kitchen to go and sit at the island in the middle of the room I leant my chin on my hand and watched him flick the spatula around in a little twirl. Trying to hold back my laugh, I swayed along to the music in my seat.

"Don't you wanna dance—" Bae sang so I thought I'd make him aware of my presence.

"Say you wanna dance," I sang, making Bae jump and turn around.

Bae dropped the spatula in shock but before it could reach the floor, I magicked it to stop mid-air.

"How long have you been sitting there?" Bae asked, grabbing onto the spatula again and turning the music down.

"Long enough," I laughed before getting up and walking over to my fridge. "Orange juice?"

"Yeah, sure," Bae nodded.

I grabbed a couple of glasses and poured out some orange juice for us both.

"Nice choice of song," I laughed.

"What can I say? It's a classic," Bae replied with a smile.

As I walked over to hand him the juice, I noticed the pancake starting to smoke slightly.

"Flip it," I reminded him.

Bae glanced down at the pancake.

"Shit," he muttered, quickly flipping the pancake.

When it landed again it was a deep brown colour.

"Might need some more practise," I commented, giving an encouraging tap on the shoulder before leaning against the counter.

"You know, I can actually cook," Bae assured me before putting the burnt pancake onto a plate.

"I can tell," I smirked, taking the plate from him.

"Ok, fine. I'm not the best cook," Bae sighed.

"Must run in the family then," I laughed.

It was true. Sure, I could cook the basics, but even after being alive for over three hundred years, cooking was not my strong point. Bae and I then spent the rest of the morning making pancakes and just chatting, pretending that we were just normal. Around noon, after I was showered and dressed, I went to go to Granny's to pick up something for lunch for myself as Bae and Emma had plans to meet up and talk about what they were going to do about their relationship and about Henry. I'd offered to look after Henry but apparently they'd already found someone.

 I'd offered to look after Henry but apparently they'd already found someone

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