I'm what?!?!

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(Katherine's POV)

Kisses, kisses were all I felt as I moaned. "Good Morning Muffin." Caleb whispered in my ear huskily. I groaned and turned my body in the bed to face him.

He smiled and I couldn't help but smile back. "Good Morning." I replied and sat up in the bed. I really wanted a nice warm bath at the moment.

I looked around to see my suitcases here. Turning to Caleb I raised an eyebrow questioningly. "I had my Third in Command bring them here and before you ask, no he didn't see you naked, I made him bring them to the door and I brought them in here myself."

I nodded and got up, bringing the sheet with me as a cover up so I wouldn't have a turned on mate after me. Going to my bags I crouched down and began to sort out my clothes, putting them in there places to save time.

Caleb was in his office here so I just put the sheet back on the bed and grabbed my clothes, sprinting to the bathroom.

I turned the bath water on and let it fill up, adding bubbles here and there. Once it looked good enough I stopped the water and set my clothes down on the little compartment dresser by the shower.

I climbed into the hot water in the tub and sighed, relaxing when my cramped muscles untensed. I looked down at the bubbles that blocked my body from view and blew a few away.

I was in the tub for about 25 minutes before the door opened to reveal a worried Caleb. "Why didn't you tell me you were going to take a bath? I started worrying when you never came down." (House has an upstairs part also.)

I just stared at him and leaned up, looking into his eyes as I felt bad. "I'm sorry, I never ment to worry to you it's just after yesterday's event I wanted a relaxing bath."

He nodded and came over, pecking my lips and sitting down. "Baby cakes I have something to tell you." Caleb said seriously, making me feel a bit nervous.

"Yes?" Was all I could say.  He ran a hand through his hair. "I am sorry if you're not ready..but you're going to be introduced to the pack as their Luna today." He said very hesitantly.

I chuckled at his expression and he let out a little growl. "Kitten do not laugh at a serious matter." I found myself frowning at his tone, my chest stung with a bit of pain, but mostly fear that he would hurt me.

"I-I was only laughing at how you were nervous t-to t-tell me, I-Im already r-ready." I pushed through scared. The last time anyone talked to me like that was Cole, and he ended up beating me afterwards.

"Mate, he is our mate Katherine, he loves us not hits us. How dare you accuse our mate of somthing cruel?" My wolf said with venom in her voice. I was going to reply when she put up her wall and blocked me out.

"Baby, Baby, Baby!" Caleb said in front of me. "Y-Yes?" "Kitten, you're scared, why?" He asked and I almost felt bad when his eyes held a bit of pain.

"I..I am sorry, it's just my last pack, they would get mad at me and beat me until I went unconcious." I said truthfully, my voice cracking at the end and tears I hadn't felt coming trickle down my cheeks.

I could feel the anger coming off of Caleb from the tub and my wolf whimpered, finally feeling the pain I was. Caleb's eyes snapped to mine and he came over, hugging my through the tub wall.

We stayed like that until Caleb had to go back to his office to work out some papers. I was currently in our room getting dressed. Slipping on my ripped blue jean skinny jeans, a red Hollister top and my red vans when I felt the breeze hit my back.

I turned around to see the window open. When did someone open that? I shrugged it off and turned around only to see a wolf pup on the floor.

Who the heck was this? "CALEB!" I yelled for him and went to the pup. I picked it up and it whimpered, scared. "Shh, you don't have to be afraid, heyyy everything is going to be okay." I cooed into its ear.

I heard running and Caleb was in front of me.  He took in my appearance until it dawned on him I was holding a pup. "Katherine, is there something I should know?" Caleb asked with curiosity yet anger laced in his voice.

"Yeah, I'm a virgin so no, no this isn't mine so watch your tone mister." I said with power yet anger also. I froze, expecting him to get angerier with me. Instead I looked over at a shocked Caleb.

"Damn, you just had power coming off of you in waves babe." Caleb said. I blushed at that comment but I found myself not apologizing, not feeling the need for one.

"Whose this Caleb?" I asked, changing the subject off me. "I really don't know actually. It's a he and he smells of rouge. We need to get rid of him."

I couldn't help the low growl that left my lips the second I heard that. "You may be my mate, but he is a pup, not some killing machine. We will NOT get rid of him instead try to find his parents and return him. For now I'll take care of him, with your help and support or not."

I growled at him again and this time he growled back. "Kitten I am your Alpha and Mate and you will respect me. Will we get rid of him." He stated with his Alpha tone. It hurt that he would use his power against me, but I felt nothing.

My wolf felt most of it, whimpering long and Calebs face softened. "Katherine I.." "Stop, I don't want your apology. I will be going to stay at Stacy's house for a bit until I can find a good home for him." I said, not hiding the hurt in my voice.

"NO! Kitten stop! I didnt mea-" "Save it. You meant it, because I can feel your emotions too now, so until then, goodbye." I aid with ushered tears.

****30 minutes later.****

*knock knock* Stacy, my only friend from the pack opened the door to see me with my onw suitcase and the pup in my hand asleep.

"Katherine what in tarnations are you doing here with your belongings? My cousin didn't hurt you did he? Imma kick his ass." She said as she went to pass me.

"Stace, please I just need to stay here for a bit, umtil I find this pup's family. " i aid through tears, my chest full of pain from being away from my mate. I chose to try and ignore it.

"Of course Kat, anytime." She said as she opened the door more for me to enter. I walked in and dropped my suitcase off in the guest room, along with the sleeping pup, laying him down in the bed.

Once I made sure he was safe and secure I headed back downstairs to explain everything. After about 15 minutes of explaining, Stacy let out a low growl.

"How could he?! I know rouges need to be killed or questioned, but a pup?!? One that can't defend himself?" She muttered through gritted teeth.

"Well yeah, that's it. Stace I need you to do me a favor, call the pack doctor. This pup isn't mine but I feel a pull towards him, like I felt with my parents. "

She nodded and I left to go check up on the pup. He was back into human form and he looked so sad. It made me break.

"Hey, don't worry I'm Katherine, but you can call me Kat. I'm not here to harm you." I aid to the little boy. He looked about two or three. His jet black hair fell over his eyes a bit and he was a covered in mud. His eyes a dark green color and his skin looked fairly tan.

A smal frown played on his lips and I sow approached the bed, trying not to frighten him away. -"Jake, can you go to the clothing store and buy me a 4 toddler clothes for a boy?"- I asked Jake, my first friend from Caleb's pack through mind link.

"Yes,  Luna but what happened? Alpha is broken and snappy. And whose the cothes for?" He replied almost instantly.

"I can't explain, just please do me this favor." I pleaded. "Of course Kat, anything for you." His comment made me blush and my wolf growled for take the small loving gesture from a male not ours.

"Xavier is calling to us Katherine, please we need him." My wolf cried out. "Oh shush, he needs to learn his lesson, he hurt us remember? Plus It's not like I left him permanently."

I cut the link off before she could say more and looked at the boy. "I'm Jaden, and you're my sissy." He said, catchimg me off gaurd. I'm What?!?!

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