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(Picture of Caleb)

I continued to run deeper into the forest. I could hear my mate off in the distance yelling at the others to catch me. I picked up my pace and ran faster. I could hear some running footsteps approaching from behind me so I quickened my pace to as fast as I could. Clara wanted me to transform and get high in a tree. Surely they can't get up that high in a tree. I was still running until I smashed into something very hard. I shook my head and stood back up. I turned my head to go look at what I had crashed into until I smelt my mates scent. I mentally cursed myself. How could I let myself get caught? I quickly turned to go run the other way were the scent wasn't as strong but saw I was surrounded by the brown wolf, a golden colored wolf and a grey one too. "And just where do you think you're going?" I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I turned around to face my one and only mate. "MATE." Angel said. "Yeah I got that Angel." I replied sarcastically, earning a growl from her. I took a moment to take in his full scents. Mint, chocolate and woods. "I said where do you think you are going Katherine?" What the? How did he know my name? I finally decided it be smart to answer him. I shifted, causing him to growl. "What?" I asked him. He started to take off his shirt and I closed my eyes. "Woahhh there, no need to get naked sir." I stated. I heard his footsteps getting closer and he slipped the shirt on me. I looked down and blushed the color of a tomato when I realized why. I was completely naked. I took a few steps back and my mate growled at me. "Come here. NOW." I gulped and walked back up to him. Jake, Sam and the other wolf whom I was fighting a while ago walked up to us, fully changed. I started to feel sick and dizzy from head to toe. "Katherine you okay?" Jake asked and I managed a half smile. "Uh yeah of course Jake." All of a sudden I felt really sick and like I was about to lose all the food in my stomach from Mandi's Place. I ran as fast as I could to a tree and reached it as soon as my stomach made the decision that it didn't want the food anymore. I felt a little tired and my body ached badly. I looked down at my body to see it was completely covered with dry and new blood. I released the rest of my digesting food to the forest floor at the sight of it all. Once I was finished with that I went to go walk back to the others until the dizziness multiplied by a lot. I felt gravity pushing down on my body hard and I fell to the forest floor. My body definitely ached more after that and I started to get up and fell back down. My eyes began to droop, but I kept them open. I was contemplating on whether to get up or just lie down and take a nap. I was about to go with the nap until I was startled a little by the screaming of someone. "JAKE! CALL THE PACK DOCTOR AND TELL HIM WE ARE ON THE WAY!" I instantly recognized it as my mate's voice. I felt someone pick me up and the tingles shot all throughout my body telling me that my holder was my mate also. I hissed at the pain that came with him picking me up and closed my eyes. "NO LOVE! KEEP THEM OPEN!" My mate cried out. I groaned and opened them, looking at him in the eyes. He looked down at me and offered a small smile. He had brown thick hair that was styled in a messy way that made me want to run my hand through his hair. He even had a stubble just like the rest. He was a hunk, handsome and hot in one bundle, and he was mine. No wait Kat snap out of it. You can't stay. You will put them all in danger. I was still just staring at my mate when I realized I didn't even know his name. "Heyyyy?" My mate looked down at me confused for a second and then shrugged. "Hey?" He stated yet asked at the same time. "Uh what's your name?" I asked, blushing and placing my face on his upper shoulder to hide it. He chuckled and I relaxed in his embrace. "It's Axel." He replied short. I felt really tired at this point and closed my eyes again. I felt, well more like heard his heartbeat quicken. "Uh hey Katherine?" He asked with concern laced in his voice. I groaned and opened my eyes. All I wanted to do was take a nap, is that so hard to ask for? I opened my eyes and looked at him again. His normal blue orbed eyes where a little golden in the middle near the pupil, his wolf was surfacing. I needed to calm him down. "Hey Axel, what's your opinion on hybrids?" He looked me in the eyes and I noticed the golden was gone a little. "I'm perfectly fine with them. Like I've never seen one or talked to another one." "Another one?" "I mean I can smell your scent other than the rouge scent. Its strawberry, coconut, wolf and another one. Vampire." He stated. How did he know what a Vampire smelt like? I didn't really smell any around here. I suddenly felt a little uncomfortable. "How did you know that it was Vampire?" I asked. I felt us going into a room or something by the click of a door and the air hitting my skin, making me shiver a little. Axel chuckled and it was enough to confuse me. "Katherine, I should know what a wolf/vampire hybrid is and how it works since I am one." I was beyond shocked. Hybrids were very very rare. I never thought I'd ever meet one. I could feel myself being laid down on a bed or something. I coughed and suddenly the uncomfortable bed became comfortable since my body was numb. I knew that I should be dead by now, but my powers automatically kick in once I start to die to try and heal me a little. It definitely isn't a doctor's work but it slows the process of dying. I was really tired and lost the effort to hold my eyes open. I started to drift off to sleep until I felt a hand grab and hold mine and a pair of lips kiss my forehead. The last thing I remember is Axel whispering. "I know about your powers, and it's okay, but please don't leave me. I already love you somehow." He what?? I was about to ask him what he was talking about but my body and mind gave in to the tiredness and I was out cold.

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