Who? Is She Your Girlfriend or Wife?

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(Pic of Axels car)

Recap: I moved even closer until I was about to make contact with him. Then I did something that neither of us saw coming. I kissed him.

Sparks was all I felt. His lips molded onto mine perfectly and were soft. This moment was totally unreal, a total bliss.

Axel growled and pushed me into the wall slightly, kissing me rougher. I pulled away before he wanted to take it any further. 

"Katherine are you a-alright?" Axel asked as he examined me closely while his arms were still firmly planted around me. I smiled wide. "I'm perfectly fine."

I couldn't seem to stop smiling and I hugged Axel tighter. I finally let him go as soon as the door clicked. It wouldn't be embarrassing to be caught hugging a random man if the doctor saw us.

"oh my goodness Axel dear is this her?" I gulped. Dear?? Oh no, what if Axel had a girlfriend or a wife?? I panicked for a moment. WHAT IF HE WAS MARRIED? AND TO THINK I KISSED HIM!

I tried to push myself from his grasp but this resulted in him holding me tighter and giving me a questioningly look.

I silently worded out the words "wife" or "girlfriend" to him. Axel bursted out laughing and I glared at him while crossing my arms.

"AXEL CALEB WILLIAMS!!" The strange woman yelled, causing him to freeze in his place. "Yes mother this is her, my mate." Axel smiled and glanced my way. Mother? Relief flooded over my face and I let out a sigh of relief. Axel chuckled at my reaction.

I nudged him in the side lightly and he grabbed his side. "Ouch!" He frowned at me even though I knew it didn't even faze him. "Wanna bet it hurt?" I asked daringly while smirking. "Sure why not?" He replied with a cocky smirky.

I stomped on his foot and brought my elbow to his ribcage, then I took his hand and flipped him to the side and forward, putting his arm in a hold behind his back. I felt his arm bend in a weird angle and him groan.

I let him go when I felt accomplished with my success."remind me never to challenge you again" he stated. I laughed until my ribcage started burning and I gasped in a breath of air. Axel looked at me and rushed to my side.

"You okay baby?" He asked worried. I nodded in response. I leaned up to him and kissed his cheek to reassure him. "Well aren't you two just cute." His mother smiled as she commented. I blushed and Axel coughed awkwardly.

"How many times do I have to tell you that men aren't cute honey? They are either handsomely charming or an extremely sexy hunk." A man said laughing as he walked into the room.

Following in behind him was a young boy and a little girl. I was suddenly hit with nervousness but mainly just curious as to who these people were.

The man had called Axel's mother honey. Oh rightttt that must be Axel's father. Finding this out made me even more nervous. Axel's father was Ex-Alpha.

They both held authority on them, you could feel it from a few feet away. Must be Ex-Alpha and the Luna until Axel finds his mat- oh god I'm going to be Luna??

I took in a deep breath and calmed my nerves down. I felt a tap on my leg and I looked down to see the little girl staring back up at me. "Hi mwy names Ashwey" I smiled. Ashley was totally adorable. I reached my arms down and picked little Ashley up.

As soon as I picked Ashley up I wobbled a bit and Axel went to take Ashley from me but I dismissed it with a wave.

"Wellll Ashley I'm Katherine, but you can call me Kat for short." I replied with a wide grin on my face. "Like thwe cat that mweows?" Ashley asked me smiling and giggling.

I laughed and shook my head no. "Well no I don't meow or purr but yes it's sort of like that." I continued to smile. "Ashley has anyone told you how much of a pretty little girl you are?" I asked her and tickled her side a little.

She giggled and then nodded when I finished tickling her. "Wy daddy tells mwe all the twime. So does wommy and Twent and Axxy." I looked over to see Axel blushing.

Ashley looked over at her family and giggled.  I smiled wider and nodded. "They are right you know? My Mother and Father used to tell me all the time too." I frowned and sat Ashley down on her feet and she walked over to her father. I felt my eyes water some. I used to be like Ashley til my parents died. I blinked and the tears fell down.

Axel walked to me and hugged me. "Sweetheart are you okay?" Axel's mother asked. I nodded and laughed slightly. "I'm fine, sorry for the water works."

I wiped my eyes off and let out a sigh. I glanced at the rest of Axel family and smiled. "I'm Katherine Assete Allison. Its nice to meet you Luna, Alpha." I stated confident and bowed to them, offering a hand. Axel's father was the first to talk.

"Daniel Ray Williams and put that hand down girl, bring it in!" He firmly commented. I laughed when he took me from Axel's grasp and hugged me tightly. I smiled and hugged him back. He reminded me of my father.

"I'm Sarah Blair Williams" she stated smiling. She took me from Daniel and hugged me tight too.

Once she was finished hugging me she released me and pointed to the young boy. "This is Trent David Williams, and you've already met Ashley Brooke."

I nodded and held out my hand and Trent took it, giving it a little shake. I patted Ashley's head and she smiled.

I started feeling overwhelmed and tired and my body began to ache everywhere. A yawn escaped my lips and my eyes began to droop.

"I think that's our cue to leave. Axel you take good care of her you hear?" Daniel said. "Of course sir." Axel responded as he hugged his family goodbye.

Ashley kissed Axel on his cheek and giggled. "Bwye Axxy!" He laughed and shook his head. "Bye Princess" he replied and kissed the top of her head as he handed her back to Sarah. I smiled sleepily. Axel was good with kids.

The Williams left and I walked back to the bed, climbing in it slowly as my body began to relax a little more, causing more aches and pains.

I snuggled to the bed and wrapped up in the blankets. Axel sat down in the bed side chair and smiled at me. "They like you Katherine." I smiled and sat up. "Really??" I asked. He nodded and I smiled wider.

I was suddenly curious to how long I had been here in the hospital or where ever we were. "How long have I been here Axel?" Catching Axel's attention.

"3 days, well two days and one night." I nodded and he shrugged. I looked at him closely.

"How long have you been here?" I asked raising an eyebrow at him. He chuckled and repeated the same reply as to how long I had been here.

I rolled my eyes and he smiled. "You're are sooo stubborn." I said as I laughed and nodded. " I know." I laid back down on the bed and yawned again. I looked over at Axel to see him falling asleep in the chair.

"Axel?" I asked him. He jerked up and then looked at me half asleep. "Yes baby?" I smiled and scooted over patting the spot next to me on the bed.

He looked at me and shrugged, kicking off his shoes and climbing in next to me. I snuggled up to his side and he wrapped his arms around me.

I snuggled into his side even more and he used the arm around me to pull me closer to him. I felt him kiss my cheek and that's all I remembered before I was swooped to dream land.

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