Mandi's Place

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I was awoken by the sound of knocking at my door. I groaned and forced myself out of bed. I made my feet walk to the door, almost tripping on the way there. Slowly I opened the door of my motel room, squinting my eyes as the sun hit my face directly. "HEY KATHERINE!" Jake yelled. I rolled my eyes for what seemed like the billionth time and turned around glancing at the clock on the motel dresser. 7:45 am! "What the heck Jake? Its 7:45 in the morning." "Yeah I know it's just that I've never seen you around here before so I figured you were new. I thought maybe I could take you out to breakfast and then give you a tour of the place." He stated. I instantly felt nervous. What if Jake found out about my past? I'm not even staying. "U-Uhhh, I'm not s-sure Jake. I'm n-not even staying. I'm j-just passing through," I stuttered. His face seemed to drop a little. "I'll give you twenty minutes to get ready Katherine. I'm not taking no for an answer." "It's Kat, an-" He shut the door before I could finish and I heard his footsteps fade. I groaned and headed to the bathroom. I looked into the mirror. What was my brown natural wavy hair was knotted in bunches and my makeup was smeared. Wow Kat, you're talking to a good looking man and you look like a train wreck. "No what you look like is a clown," Angel exclaimed. Clara laughed and I rolled my eyes. "Thanks Angel, I love you too." "I know you do." I rolled my eyes yet again and cut off the link. I traveled back into the motel room and got my brush, making my way back to the bathroom and began to clean myself up. Once I was done I headed to the room to pick out my clothes, seeing as that a tank top and shorts are not suitable. I just went with a simple white tank top under a baby blue crop top that said dream on it. For bottoms I just went with tight fitting blue jeans and vans for shoes. I went back into the bathroom and applied some chap-stick and a little eyeliner to make my hazel eyes pop. I grabbed my phone and headed towards the door as soon as I heard a knock on it. I smiled slightly when I picked up on Jake's scent. I put my hand on the knob and turned it, pulling the door near me to open it. "Hey Jake." "Hey Katherine," Jake said, smiling. I blushed when I caught him checking my out a little. I cleared my throat and his eyes snapped back up to mine. "Where are we going?" "A diner down town," He said while rubbing the back of his neck, clearly embarrassed that he was caught checking me out. "Let's go then shall we?" I asked, trying to ease the tension. "Yep," He stated, popping the p at the end. I turned around and locked my room door. We walked over to a sleek back ford 4x4 pickup truck. "Wow Jake, nice ride," I said while admiring the beauty. "Thanks Katherine," Jake said. I noticed a little blush approaching on his cheeks and I fake gasped. "Is the big bad Jacob blushing?" This caused him to blush a lot more and he just shook his head. We both laughed and Jake opened the passenger seat door for me. "Why thank you good sir," I said in my best British accent. "Whyyy anything for the lady," Jake said back in what I was going to guess was his best British accent too. We both laughed harder. I climbed into Jake's truck and he closed the door. A minute later Jake was in the driver's seat turning the truck on. "So Jake, tell me about yourself." "Well my names Jacob Prince Clifton. My father is David Clifton, my mother Jane Elizabeth Clifton." Jakes mothers name reminded me of Jane from back at my old pack. "I'm 23, single' He winked and I rolled my eyes. "Played basketball during my high-school years. I absolutely love chocolate. I'm into trucks as you can see. And I'm also a werewolf." I processed everything he said until I heard the last part. I swung my head to face him. Why did he tell me that? Then it hit me, Jake knew. "How long have you known?" "About what? You being a werewolf? Or well whatever you are. Hybrid maybe? Anyway I knew when we first met. You didn't give off a human scent. What are you exactly?" I felt dizzy and short of breath. "Uh Jake pleas-" "Don't worry, we accept hybrids." Jake turned and smiled at me. He definitely had a nice smile. Wait what am I saying? Pull yourself together Kat. I let out a deep breath and tried to relax a little. Then a question popped up in my head. "We?" I asked confused. He looked at me like he was confused for a moment, and then raised an eyebrow. "You know my pack? A pack? Surely you haven't been a rouge all your life. You're not mean or blood thirsty." I slipped out a laugh and Jake joined in too, even though I could still tell he was slightly still confused. "Yeah Jake, I've only been a rouge for a day and a half." "Well you are cool Katherine, not to mention very pretty too." Jake looked at me and smirked, already knowing my reaction to him calling me Katherine and pretty at that too. I blushed slightly. "Oh shush it Jacob," I said, dragging out the "ob." in Jacob. "What is the name of the diner we are going to?" "This little diner in town, Mandi's place is the name." I nodded. "Sounds nice." He looked over at me as soon as he was done pulling into the lot and turning the car off. Jake smirked. "Good, then consider it a date." "A what?!?"

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