"catching up"

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(Kat's POV)

I woke up to the sound of something beeping. I went to open my eyes and they wouldn't open. Huh that's odd. I waited a few seconds and decided to try again. I tried for the second time and accomplished a tiny slit until the sun light peeking through the window made contact with my pupil. I shut my eyes closed and then opened them yet again, blinking a few times to adjust my sensitive eyes to the burning light. Once I managed to open them I observed the room. It was covered in white painted walls with a blue trim. I looked to my right for the source of the beeping, seeing a heart monitor keeping my hearts pace. My arm felt itchy and I went to scratch it until I felt plastic. I sat up in the uncomfortable bed and looked down to my arm. I rolled my eyes at the sight of the IV in my arm producing fluids into my body. I looked at my other arm to see blood pumping into my arm from that tube. "Greaaat" I mumbled. I decided it was best to get out of here so I gently and quietly lifted my legs, placing my bare feet to the cold floor. The gown I had on fell to below my knees and I stared at it for a moment. Who had changed me? My body was sore so I lifted the gown to see that the places that were once covered in blood and had bite marks were healed but bruised. I rolled my eyes and covered my bare naked body with the gown again. I went to get off the hospital bed about the time I heard the door click, signalling that someone had walked in. Great Katherine you're busted. "Woahhh Miss!" The stranger yelled but managed to whisper at the same time. He walked towards me and placed his hands on my shoulders,pushing me gently back down on the bed. "What exactly do you think you're doing Miss Allison?" the stranger asked. Does everyone know me somehow? "Well sir, what does climbing out the bed look like?" I asked the man back in a sarcastic tone. He shook his head at my response and pointed a finger to the blood tube inserting blood into my body. "That Miss Allison is what's keeping you alive." I held back a laugh. As if that's what's keeping me alive. "Play dumb and get back in the bed." Clara exclaimed. "Yeah whateverr." I replied to her. She snorted and cut off our connection. Huh I normally don't act like this, what is up with me I'm never this mean. I realised this man was still staring at me. Rude. "Ohh uhh I had no idea. I'll stay put for the sake of my life." I cooed to the man that was ruining my escape. He smiled and nodded. "Good idea Miss." Enough with the Miss this Miss that. He walked off and exited the room. I sighed and swung my legs back over the bed. I placed the blanket over my frame and was swiftly nodding off until the door clicked. Great another visit."Look Doc, I already said I wouldn't try and take off again." I heard a growl and I froze. Not him. "YOU TRIED WHAT?!" Axel screamed. I was not in the mood for his panties to be in a twist. Haha get it? Because I said panties and he is clearly a dud-anywayyys never mind that. Then I froze again. He was angry, and what if him being angry resulted in the same way Cole acted? Angel whimpered and I looked at Axel with frightened eyes. "I'm sorry I won't do it again." I said directly to him even though it was a lie. I felt bad lying to my mate . He shook his head. Axel walked up to the bed and I brought my knees to my chest to give him room. He proceeded to sit and looked me in the eyes. "No Katherine, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have yelled its just Xavier doesn't want to lose you, well we don't.. We just got you and we plan on keeping you til the day we die." I couldn't stay. Axel was way to caring to deserve the troubles he would face if I stayed. Once I focused back on the situation I noticed Axel's eyes were a little glassy. No way, an Alpha never cries unless its important. Does that mean that I was of an importance to Axel? Angel and Clara jumped and danced around happily but I dreaded it. I can't be of importance to him, I'll only hurt him. Axel was studying my appearance. "Katherine, why did you run?" He asked suddenly. I couldn't tell him about my past, so what could I tell him? Axel frowned and his body frame slumped. "Are you rejecting me Kat?" I shook my head no. "Then why? Why would you run? Tell me, please?" I closed my eyes and thought about it. NO. "I can't tell you." I finally replied. "Why not?" He asked. Everything from my past came flooding in. Angel howled of sadness and Clara slumped down. I bit my lip to hold back the tears but the wall I had built so many years ago came crashing down. Axel scooted over and held me while I cried. Once I was finished I felt bad for soaking Axel's shirt. I sighed and leaned back on the bed. "I-I'm not rejecting y-you." I said, hiccuping at the same time from crying. It's all I could come up with at the moment. Axel smiled but it quickly faded. "Then why'd you run? I said MINE and you ran from me, you ran from us." How could I explain my past to him? Could I even explain a thing or subject so cruel? I made up my mind that the time wasn't right. "Its just complicated." I said short. Axel's already broken face melted more. He looked heartbroken, like a sad puppy that was mother sick. I instantly felt horrible. "I understand." He replied, pulling himself off the bed and turned away from me. "Axel?" I asked. No reply as he kept walking towards the door. Oh no, was I pushing him away to fast? I thought I could take life without him but here i am already sad that he was walking away. Walking away? Was he rejecting us? I held back a whimper when I felt a stabbing pain at my chest. "NO! WAIT AXEL, WAIT!" I screamed. He turned around and stared at me confused. I sat there frozen. He turned around and went to reach for the door knob. "Axel stop, Please." I whispered. He must have heard because of his werewolf hearing because he stopped and turned back around, facing me with a face full of confusion. "No what Katherine?" "I-I'm sorry I never meant to hurt you Axel. I just have a past and I don't want anyone to get hurt because of it. I acted selfish yes, but please don't leave me alone. Don't leave me in general because Axel, I think I already love you." I explained. He just stood there frozen. I didn't know what to do so I just chose to keep going. "And I will admit that I need you, Angel needs you, Clara needs you, we ALL need you Axel. I can't explain why I ran because my past is the reason and I'm not sure if I'm ready to explain that. But don't leave me, don't leave us." I managed to get that all out before I needed a breath of air. Axel just stood there still as ever. I was feeling exhausted and overwhelmed but I threw the blanket off of me. I swung my legs over the bed and took out my IV and blood tubes' , leaving the needle part in so I wouldn't damage my skin or veins more than I just did. I reached up and detached the chest monitor pieces from my chest, wincing as the sticky pieces came off my delicate skin. I placed my feet on the floor once more and stood up carefully, wobbling a little. I regained my balance and started towards Axel. "Katherine what are you doing?" Axel asked once he realised I was up and the tubes were out, even the monitor patches were off my chest. I ignored him and continued walking towards his direction. Once I reached him I just stood there. What did I have planned out? I walked up to Axel and wrapped my sore, fragile arms around him. "Katherine what in th-' "I'm fine Axel." He examined me and then slightly smiled, wrapping his much larger arms around me. I snuggled into his chest and took in his scent. Mint, chocolate and woods never smelt so better. I let out a deep breath and smiled wide. "Uh I hate to ruin the moment but I really don't think you should be up." Axel commented. I chuckled and he smiled. "I said i was fine Axel." He shrugged and hugged me tighter. We stood like that for a few minutes and then I reached up on my tippy toes and looked into Axels eyes. He watched my every move carefully as I leaned forward a bit, my face mere inches from his. I leaned in closer and did something that neither of us saw coming. I leaned forward and kissed Axel.

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