Grand Kids?

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Axel's POV

"Mark me." I blinked a few times to make sure I heard Kat right. "Wait..what!?" I asked in shock. "Well I mean you don't have to, I just thought you might want to since there are a lot of unmated male wolves here." Kat replied, almost sounding disappointed. "Well do you know what will happen if i do?" I asked. "Yeah, we will have to mate, and if we don't I'll go into heat." she replied.

Xavier was running around in my head going crazy. He kept howling, thanking the moon goddess for her wisdom and letting me find my mate. "Whoa whoa, calm down I never said we were going to." "OH YES WE ARE!" Xavier screamed. I could feel myself loosing control of him and my eyes changing their color.

"Uh, Kat I'm not sure. I mean it's is already hard enough for me to control myself." I muttered out. She whined and I felt bad. "She thinks we're rejecting her in a way." Felone' said angrily. Kat sat up and I followed her steps. I growled. Did I just say no to the one thing I actually want to do?

"Wait!" Kat turned her attention to me. "What?" she asked with a normal tone. "Yes, Yes I'll mark you, you are mine and everyone needs to know that." I stated a bit in demand, not giving her no as the option anymore.

Kat nodded and I felt anticipation growing inside of me. "So you're really going to let me?" I asked. I guess the excitement in me wasn't hidden because she chuckled and nodded.

"Yes Axel, I am." I howled in happiness and jogged to Kat, licking from her cheek to her ear. She giggled. "Stop! Ewe! Gross!" She lifted her paw up and tried to wipe it off. I laughed and she shook her head.

"Kitten we must go back now. My parents are most likely wondering where we snuck off too." She nodded and got up on all four before she dashed out of the water and into the trail heading home.

"KAT STOP!" I screamed out. If there was anyone from a different pack, even mine, that were unmated they could try to take her. I sprinted the direction she headed and in no time caught up to her large wolf.

"Kattt!!" She sped up and I groaned, going faster and running beside her. Kat giggled and I couldn't help but chuckle. She had simply wanted me to chase her. I liked chasing her.

In a few minutes top we were at the beginning of the woods. Kat went behind a tree with her clothes and I did the same. Once I was finished I stepped out the same time she did.

She smiled and I realized for once that she was actually happy, not trying to leave when i first met her. Speaking of that I need to take her out so we can learn about each other. I ran my hand through my hair and Kat walked up to me.

"Love, how about a date with me tomorrow? Sound good?" I looked at Kat and she smirked evilly. "Oh i don't know, I'll have to ask my bf about that." In a second I had her pinned to a tree.

"MINE! NO ONE ELSE TOUCHES WHAT'S MINE!" I yelled, pushing her up against the tree more and kissing her roughly and dominating the kiss to show her who she belonged too.

We kissed until she pulled back for air. "I was only playing Axel, there isn't anyone else, just you." she said breathing heavily. I let out a sigh full of relief. "Good Sunshine." Kat laughed and I raised an eyebrow.

"Are you insane?" I asked her playfully. She hit my arm playfully and shook her head no. "No of course not." She exclaimed. I chuckled and pecked her lips. "If you say so Muffin." Kat looked at me strange.

"Why do you keep calling me all the weird names? Especially Muffin." I smiled. "Oh call you Muffin more? Alright, consider it done baby." I said to annoy her. She just shook her head again and muttered. "Boy."

We reached the white double door back doors and I turned to her. "Boys? You mean Men Sweetie." I declared as I flexed my muscles a bit. "Yeahh, whatever hulk." I laughed and opened the door for her, smirking at the hickey left by me from this mornings little play out.

She walked to the stool at the island table in the large kitchen and took a seat. I wasn't going to lie, if i could see her in my clothes all the time i would, but i know she wouldn't like that.

"Maria can you fetch and unpack Kat, your new Luna's, things in my room?" I asked one of the servants through the pack link. "Right away Sir." Maria replied. Don't get me wrong, i'm not one of those stuck up kids who got everything they wanted because my family had money, oh noo, everything i had and have was earned through hard work.

I walked up to Kat and kissed her hickey only to spark a shiver from her and I noticed when her heart pace quickened. This was because in the crook of her neck, where her neck and shoulder meet, is where every female is to be marked.

A mark is like a claim from me to Kat. It mixes my scent barely with hers to show unmated males that she is taken and If touched seriously injuried, maybe even killed if taken to far.

Kat hit my lightly on the shoulder and told me to back off til later. I chuckled and went to the refridgerator for a bottle of water. "Can you get me one?" Kat asked from behind me.

"Yes baby." I turned around and tossed one to her, congratulating her on her good catch. My dad approached us and laughed. "What is the cause of this laughter sir?" I asked. "Your Mother thinks you two ran off to finish the process and is having a fit about Kat ditching her with all these men."

I laughed and we both looked over at Kat to see her blushing and rolling her eyes. "So son, when do you plan on giving me some grand kids?" My father asked. Both Kat and I spit out our water at the same time. "Dad!" I called out.

"We just met a few days ago about a week and Kat has been injured. We aren't having children anytime soon." I replied. He simply laughed. "That's what me and your mother said and then you were born a year later."

"Dad stop." I stated. I know I shouldn't talk to my dad like that but I don't want him scaring my mate off so soon. Kat got up and left off somewhere and I groaned at not getting an answer about the date from her.

"I'll see you later babe, and be ready." Kat's head said, filling up my head. "For what?" I asked eagerly. "You'll se-" she was cut off by my dad. "Son are you listening to me?" He asked. Oh boy..looks like today is going to be a long day.

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