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Kat's POV

I walked into the kitchen and simply laughed at the length and design of it. Don't get me wrong it's just as fancy as the rest of this mansion of a house. I was getting used to everything being fancy and decorated.

"What's so funny Hun?" Sarah asked. "Oh my apologies, it's just everything is super fancy, fancier than I have seen before." She nodded. "Oh believe me, it took me a bit to get used to it." I chuckled and nodded. "You should have seen my reaction to the bathroom."

I helped Sarah prepare the food and cook. I was shocked at how much we had to cook for twenty people. We finished right about noon. "Axel call everyone down for lunch!" I called out from the kitchen.

Sarah giggled when he yelled out "LUNCH!!" through the mind link. "Wow, he must really love you." I blushed and look at her. "What makes you say that?" I asked in confusion and happiness.

"Well he is listening to you already, even though he is an alpha and you just bossed him around, its a sign of disrespect except from his mate. normally Axel doesn't like anyone bossing him around but he let you." she giggled and shook her head at me.

"Hmm. So i have a bit of control over the big bad alpha? I like the sound of that." I chuckle and help her set the dining room table. As soon as we were done, tons of boys ran down and sat at the table, including Axel and his family.

"Nick, that's not your spot anymore, you must sit down a chair so my mate can sit by me." Axel firmly stated. "Whose the babe?" Some random guy approaches me and grabs my hand. I hear a growl and the dude is up against the wall with Axel in front of him. "Temper much?" Angel asked. "Got that right."

"SHE IS MINE!" Axel yelled out in alpha tone and every ones heads snapped my direction.
"Y-Yes Alpha, my apologies." The boy stuttered out. Axel released him and he bowed at Axel.

"Hii, I'm Katherine but please call me Kat." I said, smiling at everyone. "No address her as Luna." Axel said. I didn't want to go against him in front of his pack members so I nodded. "Come sit by me Kitten." Axel said, grinning. I walked to where the boy Nick was sitting and sat in the chair.

Every ones gazes were still on me and I felt uneasy. What if they don't like me? "They're just in shock Kitten, don't worry, they'll love you." I looked at Axel. "Get out of my head mister." He laughed and everyone began eating.

"So Luna, how long have you been here? Oh and im Luke." A boy asked. "I arrived yesterday Luke, and nice to meet you." I felt all eyes on me and I glanced over at Axel and his parents to see their eyes shining with happiness and respect.

"Nice to meet you too, when are you going to present yourself to the pack?" "I'm not sure, but I'll do it soon so I can begin to feel less of a threat and stranger to the pack." They all smiled, causing my uneasy feeling to diminish.

"Nice to meet you Luna." The rest said. I smiled respectfully and nodded. "The pleasures all mine." We all continued to eat as the boys talked about football and who was going to win. Afterwards I helped Mrs. Williams clean up and wash the dishes.

I walked out the door to the backyard and what seemed to be a garden. I took in a deep breath of fresh air and watched the forest. "Runnn Runn, come on I need one." Angel pleaded. "Not without permission, plus we aren't mated and there are a lot of unmated male wolves here." She groaned and cut off the connection.

"Baby where are you?" Axel mind linked me. "Outside at the back door. Could I maybe go for a run?" I asked, waiting for a reply after a few seconds. "I'm coming with you, I need a run too." I smiled wide. "That works, I can see your wolf in the mean time."

In a few minutes I heard the door open and close. I turned around to see Axel smiling wide. "Hey Kitten, ready?" I nodded, feeling all warm inside when he called me Kitten. He grabbed my hand and I held it tightly as we walked to the forest.

Once we got there I let go and went behind a tree. I stripped down completely behind the tree and thought of my wolf, shifting into her. I let out a long howl needed when I finished. "Kitten?" Axel called out through the link.

I stepped out and nodded. I looked at his wolf and smiled a big wolfy grin. His wolf was all black except a few random patches of dark brown. Walking up to him and licking his cheek and noticed when he smiled.

"Wanna run?" He asked. "Yes." With that being said we both took off east of where we were standing, just running in laps around a trial. We kept going and then Axel took me to a pond and we took a few sips of water. I dipped my snout into the water and then got in the water, cooling off my body.

Axel laughed lightly and followed me. "Hot?" he asked and I responded with a nod. His wolf walked up to me and laid beside me. "Love, when do you want to head back?" My stomach did a little flip when he called me Love. "I suppose soon, the sun is already starting to set."

I went silent, thinking about a certain thought. "Axel when we get back, later could you do me a favor?" I gazed at his black wolf. "Whats that?" I looked at him in his eyes and said the words I never thought I'd say..."Mark me."

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