Heat Part Two

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~~•~~Calebs Pov~~•~~

Getting called in for work made me annoyed. Yes I understand that I am the Alpha and I should take my job responsibly, but I had the day planned out for Katherine and Me.

I went to the light grey meeting room and sat down in my seat as Alphas from a few of he neighboring packs filed in.

"Good Morning Caleb," the Alpha of Red Blood Pack offered with a smile. I wasn't happy but I put on my best attitude.

"Morning Theo." I relpied short. I was about ask him how his mate Silvia was doing when I got hit with this chilling sensation.

Shifting my wolf called out to Katherines Wolf, getting anxious for no reason. Her wolf just yipped in response and cut us off. Thats odd.

Wanting to make sure Katherine was okay I mind linked her again but got no response. Worry began to set in and if I didn't have this meeting I would be there.

My body had a shock go through it and I groaned quietly in pleasure as it went straight to my lap. I felt my Caleb Jr. getting bigger and I blushed, shifting in my seat to hide it.

It was three hours into the meeting about the rouges and the masquerade ball and the odd sensations were getting harder to control and I just wanted to go home and show Katherine who she belonged to.

Thinking of that made me think of the day I walked in on her changing and saw her beautiful shapped bottom, and those perky plump breasts. I groaned and everyones heads flashed my direction.

Blushing I continued on with the meeting until the last five minutes of it when I felt heat rush through my body and my wolf screamed "Katherines Heat!! Mate!! Go to mate and show her whose Alpha!!"

He didn't need to tell me twice as I just stormed up, told my father to take over and ran outside, shifting into my midnight black wolf.

Sprinting to the house I bolted through the door to get hit with a strong intoxicating smell. Groaning again as my body got hit with pleasurable shocks I made my way to the bedroom.

Opening the door, I noticed how chilly it was but on the bed was my sleeping mate having some time of pleasure filled dream as she was thrashing and moaning in her sleep.

I licked my lips hungrily and felt as my eyes went black with lust when I caught my mate asleep in one of my bottoned up white business shirts that her heat had made her lightly covered sweaty body see through, showing off her black bra and panties.

I made me way slowly to the bed and crawled over her. Katherines eyes shot open and she bit her lip. I leaned down and kissed her mark.

"C-calebb, p-pleasee." She moaned, making me smirk. Oh I wasn't going to be that easy, teasing is the key to making it more pleasurable.

Keeping my weight on my hands I leaned down my body to her heated one, sparks exploding everywhere. She groaned and rubbed her body on mine. I growled and stood up, making her body follow me as I put my hands on her back.

I moved my hands to her front, on her chest, and grabbed my shirt, ripping it open. She gasped and I chuckled. Leaning my head down I kissed inbetween her breasts and licked up to her neck.

She moaned loudly when I did and I kissed my way back down to her bra, taking the hem in the middle in my teeth and pulling it down to where her perfecr breasts were in view.

She watched me breathing heavier than normal and I took her right breast in my hand as my mouth latched on to her left nipple.

I began to suck on it as I pinched the other one with my index and finger. This caused her to tilt her head back some and moan again, sliding her hands to my shoulders.

Once I was finished teasing her left nipple I switched breasted and teased the other one with my hand as I sucked on the right one.

Kissing my way down to her panties I kissed the skin above them and Katherine shivered. Putting my hands on her shoulders gor a minute a lightlt pushed her down to the bed and got ontop of her again. I reached down and slid my fingers into her panties.

Making my thumb press into her clit as I pushed two of my fingers in her, she cried out softly in pleasure as I began to pump my finers in and out as I made my thumb rub her clit in a circler motion.

I watched as she arched her back and moaned long. Continuing to pleasure my burning mate with my hand I couldn't help but get more aroused as she called out my name.

I stopped when her breath hitched and she was close. Katherine groaned as I stood up again and began to take off my clothes. I slide off my boxers and laughed when she gasped.

She stood up and made her way to me as she took off her own clothes as she stalked towards me. She pushed me back into the wall and leaned up, crushing her lips to mine.

If I said that wasn't hot, I'd be lying. It was hot as hell. I slid my hands down to her bottom and squeezed her cheeks, slapping one hard.

She moaned and I slid my hands down to the back of her thighs and picked her up quickly. Turning I pushed her back into the wall and kissed her back hungrily.

I bit down on Katherine's bottom lip and sucked on it lightly as I thrusted myself into her unexpectantly, causing her to cry out loudly.

I pushed my body into hers roughly, making myself go in deeper, groaning as she was tight. I slid myself back out and began to walk to the bed.

I laid her down on the bed and thrusted into her again, groaning at the pleasure it caused me. Kat moaned at the same time and I kept the slow pace.

She slid her hands into my hair and tugged, making me moan. "F-fasterr." She cried out and I gladly complied to her request.

Picking up the pace to a medium one I began to thrust rougher and rougher, enjoying the crys of pleasure leaving my mates mouth. "God Caleb If you dont go harder and faster I will flip us over and kill you." Katherine cried out.

Damn she was feisty. I sped up again and slammed myself into her harshly. She screamed out and I moaned. A few minutes later I felt her thigh muscles begin to tremble and I knew she was close.

Feeling the slight pull on my own I speed up as we both cried out and moaned when we got super close. Her walls began to tighten around me and I sped up even faster as she screamed my name out, making me reach my climax a few minutes after her.

About time we were finished, we were both panting and exhausted. I pulled myself out of her and laid down beside her. She turned and wrapped her one leg around mine and rested her head on my chest.

Once we reached a normal pace of breath, she yawned and I reached down and grabbed the blanket, covering us both up.

"I love you Katherine.' I said as I began to fall asleep. 'And that will never change, You and Me Forever baby." I saw her smiled and she mumbled that she loved me too as she fell asleep.

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