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(Picture of the Pack house)

I woke up to Axel gone. My wolf whimpered a bit and I calmed her down. I was just about to get up when I heard a knock on the door.

"Come in" I called out to the stranger on the other side of the door. Jake walked in and a smiled formed on both our faces.

"Hey Kat, I was sent by Alpha to check on you and bring you some clothes." Jake said as he sat a box down on the bed. He looked around the cramped room before he shrugged. "I'll see you later Kat. Alpha's is on his way and then you two are off to the pack house."

I looked at him confused. "Pack house?" Jack nodded. "Yes pack house. You didn't think he was going to let you go did you?" I shook my head no.

Jake nodded and left the room leaving me to get dressed. I sat up and climbed out of the bed. I walked towards the box and opened it to find some clothes just like Jake had said.

I changed into the grey loose fitting shirt and the blue jeans that were neatly folded into the box. Underneath that were some gray vans.

I smiled and slipped them on and threw the box away. I was about half way to the door when someone walked in without knocking.

Axel slipped in through the door and smiled when he saw me up and ready. "Ready princess?" He asked me, wrapping his arms around my waist. I nodded and smiled.

"May I have a good morning kiss?" Axel asked me, grinning like a little kid. I chuckled and leaned in to kiss him quickly and then smiled when I pulled back.

We both headed towards the door and out into a house looking part. "Axel where are we?" I asked suddenly feeling like I was invading someone's personal life.

"We are in the pack doctors house, don't worry he's okay with it." I nodded in response and we walked out the door into the warm sunny atmosphere.

I closed my eyes and faced toward the sun and soaked it all in until somewhere someone started laughing.

I snapped my head in the direction the noise was coming from to see Jake laughing. "You act like you haven't been outside for years." I blushed and Axel came to my defense.

"Back off Jake she has been in the cold for three days without sun, she has a right." Jake froze and nodded. "Of course Alpha."

I smiled and stuck my tongue out at Jake, earning a laugh from both Jake and Axel. I smiled and then looked around at my surrounds while Axel and Jake talked about god only knows what.

I was distracted by watching a bird and her babies, suddenly thinking about me and Axel having children. I let out a little yelp when I felt arms slip around me.

"Its time to go" Axel whispered in my ear and I turned in his arms to face him. "Okay Axel" I nodded. I waited for Axel to point out his car and my jaw dropped.

"Axel no way do you own a camaro!" Axel laughed at my reaction and opened the door for me. I bent down and got into the car, watching as Axel glided to his side of the car and climbed in.

I put my seat belt on and Axel cranked up the car. I was looking out the window until Axel broke the silence. "When do you want to meet the pack Luna?"

I let out a groan. I had totally forgotten about that. "Do you think we could wait for a few days? Maybe or week or so?"

Axel took my hand in his a nodded. "Of course baby." I smiled and went back to looking out the window. Axel kept his hand in mine and drove off west of where we were.

We drove for about 15 minutes before he came to a halt in from of the biggest mansion I had seen. Three to four stories high.

Axel turned off the car and looked at me. "Do you like it?" He asked with nervousness. I smiled wide and nodded "of course! Its huge too!"

I untangled our hands and took off my seat belt. I opened my door and got out of the car, looking at the house and yard all together.

Axel wrapped his arms around me and I snuggled my back into his front side. "This is the pack house, our pack house now." I started to walk forward and Axel followed behind me.

I walked to the front door and Axel looked and me confused. "Can I go in?" I asked. Axel laughed and nodded. "Of course you can Kat, this is your home too."

I opened the door and walked in to hear nothing but silence."where is everyone?" I asked. "I told the to go out so you wouldn't feel so overwhelmed." I smiled and hugged him.

"You're so thoughtful." He chuckled and picked me up and went to an elevator. "You have an elevator? In your house?" He nodded and clicked the 4th floor button.

I was shocked to say the least. He had a huge house.

"Axel I'm tired babe." I yawned and the elevator dinged and halted to a stop. "Its okay we can sleep and sort things out tomorrow.

He walked us to the last door on the hall and I laughed. "Axel you can put me down." He chuckled and nodded. "I know but I want to." He explained.

He went into the room and gently placed me down on the wooden floor. I took my time observing the room.

It was red with a white trim on the top and bottoms of the walls. In the middle of the wall was a bed king size bed with black blankets and dark gray pillows. It even had a flat screen tv on the other wall.

On another wall was a simple wooden dresser which I was assuming held Axel's clothes. To the left was a closet door and a little way from that another door heading to the bathroom.

I yawned again and Axel chuckled. "Get in bed baby I'm going to take a shower and then join you." Axel stated. "I have nothing to sleep in." I complained a little.

He pointed to the wooden dresser from earlier. "Second one is shirts" I nodded and walked up to the dresser and opened it.

My eyes widened at the sight in front of me. Axel must have gotten his dresser number wrong. In front of me were multiple folded pairs of his boxers.

I stood back up and looked at him blushing madly. He smirked and laughed. "First one" he replied. I hesitantly opened the first drawer to see shirts.

I let out a relief filled sigh and took one. Axel walked up beside me and grabbed a shirt along with a pair of his boxers. I blushed and he walked into the bathroom laughing.

Once I was sure he wasn't going to come back out by the sound of the water running I started to get undress, tossing all my clothes except for my bra and undergarments into his hamper.

I slipped on his oversized shirt to see it ended a little above my mid thigh section. I climbed into the right side of his bed and automatically felt relieved. I moaned into the pillow and smiled when warmth enveloped me everywhere.

I was almost soon asleep when I heard a door open and the bed sink beside me. Axel wrapped his arms around me and pulled me closer to him, making my back hit his chest lightly.

I smiled and he kissed the back of my head. "I love you baby" he said. "I love you too Axel." I replied and I felt his smile against my head. I snuggled my back into his front and I let sleep take me in.

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