He's Here.

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(Picture of Daniel)

(Katherine's POV)


"Run Katherine! Uncle Carl is going to take care of you!" My mother, Danielle, yelled to me. I watched as the Alpha, My father was killed by his beta Cole right in front of my eyes.

A soft whimper left my lips as Cole snickered, smirking and approaching my mother. I was about to charge at him, not caring for the age difference when I felt hands slip around my stomach.

"I'll always love you baby girl, I'll see you one day." That was all I remembered as Cole grabbed my mother's hair roughly, dragging her up and slicing her throat.

"NO!! SOMEONE HELP HER!" I screamed and screamed. If only my mother new was my Uncle was truly like.

Cole Grinned as he knew he would now get the Alpha title since my father had no boy to inherit the title and lying about my existence.

"Take her to the dungeon." Cole demanded my captor. "Yes Alpha." Carl replied. I gasped, hearing those words come from my mother's brother stung.

He grabbed my hair and dragged me to the cold dark damp dungeon and locked my hamds in silver chains.

"It's a pity that you aren't older...dont worry Cole adores you. You'll live, if you behave good." Carl spat.

He left the room, locking the metal bars with a click. I whimpered, letting the tears stream down my cheeks and dampen the top of my shirt.

"I love you too.." I whispered into the air before sleep took over me.

**End of Flashback.**

I was currently pacing the room with Jaden staring at me. My parent's were killed when I was 13, he can't be right.

I didn't have to stare into his eyes to know he was telling the truth...but how? How could this be possible?

"Katherine I think you should sit down." My wolf said pulling my out of my thoughts. "Huh?" Was all I replied, confusion laced in my voice.

"Katherine everything will be okay, your old pack has been hiding something.. You have a brother, Daniel. You also have Jaden. Daniel was sent away when he was born..to Alpha training camp. Starts when the first child is born.'

'He knows you exist and what happened. He sent Jaden here on purpose and He is arriving in a few days." My wolf finished.

"How do you know!!?" I ased her back furious that she had held all this information. "Kace, his wolf and I speak but he said that Daniel didn't want you to know til you turned 18. It's a lot to process but it's all true."

I was hurt my brother hid for so long. "And Katherine." My wolf continued. "That wasn't your real mother, she is alive. You weren't produced by two soul mates. Your father took in a second chance mate. He isn't your father..Alpha Maxuel is." She finished.

I froze, a sickening feeling washed over my stomach and I ran to the bathroom. Once I was finished throwing my life up, I brushed my teeth and entered the room the same time Jake did.

"Dang Kat, you look horrible, like you're sick." I gave him a sarcastic smile in return. "Clothes? Did you bring them?" I asked, worried he had forgotten.

Jake raised a suticase in which I assumed was the clothes. I nodded one and ran my han through my hair. "Thanks." Was all I said as I walked to the shower and got it all ready for the dirty Jaden in the bed.

**Three days later**

I walked in the small room to see Jake and Jaden talking, laughing and cutting jokes. I smiled, my mind wandering off to Caleb and me having our own pups, playing around the yard as me and Caleb relax.

My daydream was soon cut short when a pain went through my chest, making a whimper leave my lips. It hurt more than ever now, knowing that Caleb was going to exile Jaden when he was my brother.

Jake quickly came over and hugged me. Accepting the hug from someone other than Caleb felt wrong. I sighed and pushed back, wanting to be alone.

****10 minutes later****

Jaden was currently in the shower and I nrought Stace in here with me and Jake to explain everything from the fight to he newly information given to me from my wolf. Once I was done they both had shocked faces.

"Wow..thats messed up." Jake and Stacy said at the same time. I nodded, blinking back the tears that threatened to spill. I felt bad cause today was Jake birthday and I most likely ruined it.

"Oh and Happy birthday Jake." I said slowly, smiling and trying to forget everything. His face lit up like a little kid getting candy.

"Thanks." He said, looking over at Stacy. She smiled and I exchanged glances between the two. Jake looked at Stace like Caleb looked at me and I smiled wide.

"Awe that's so cute! You two are mates!" I said, hugging them both. They both blushed a deep red and Stacy nodded.

Jaden came through the door a few minutes later in dark jeans and a normal white v neck shirt. I giggled and ruffled his hair.

A familiar scent hit my nose and had my wolf jumping for the sky. I on the other hand let out a growl. "I'll be back guys." Was all I said as I made my way downstairs.

I got there and slipped out the front door right as he approached. Caleb frowned at my appearance.

In the last three days I hadn't slept or eaten, only showering and slumping around when I wasn't with Jaden. My hair was pulled into a messy bun, my eyes held deep dark bags and my skin was paler.

Caleb however seemed like he had been through hell also. His clothes were crumbled up and his hair was wild. His eyes were red and puffy, a clear sign he had been crying a lot along with the lack of sleep from the bags umder his sad eyes.

"Katherine, I don't know what came over me. You were right, he is just a pup who can't even defend himself. My father told me that I was acting like a boy more than a man. He is right.'

Caleb's face fell to the ground. 'I want you Katherine, no I NEED you. Please, I'll do everything in my power to make up what's been broken and hurt. I just want my Mate back."

I was lost at words. No one had ever apologized to me in my entire 18 years. I wanted Caleb too, I was sure of that.

I placed my index finger under Caleb's chin and made his face come upwards some, before I moved my face to his. I pressed my lip to Caleb's soft ones and began kissing him slow and passionate.

Caleb's tensed shoulders relaxed and he put his hands on my hips. Pulling me into his body more. He slid his one hand down to my bottom and pintched my bottom cheek.

I gasped and he slid his tongue gradually into my mouth making me moan. I missed Caleb, but I missed his touch too. I couldn't help the growl that came out of my stomach and I pushed Caleb into the side of the house.

My lips left his and kissed across his jaw, making him groan. My canines began to elongate and I couldn't help but shiver when Caleb moaned as my canines sunk into his shoulder.

I just marked Caleb. Was all I could think off. I retreated my teeth and licked the womb, healing it. Caleb had his eyes closed and was still leaning back into the house when I pulled back to look at him.

I went to say something but was pushed up against the house this time. Caleb held my hands above my head pinning them to the wall as he kissed my mark, making a groan leave my parted lips.

He kissed the skin again and again, then latched on and started sucking hard. Everytime I felt him suck on the skin a loud moan would leave my lips. Caleb pressed his body into mine roughly. I swung my hips forward making a groan escape Caleb's lips and vibrate my body.

It was seriously getting hot when I heard an awkward cough errupt from someone where behind us. "Well hello there sister." Daniel said as Caleb moved away from me, my face a deep red. "Sister?" Caleb asked confused. Oh fuck, He's here.

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